Pocky is one of Tale favorite snack but still not buy to much today it time for pocky day.

most timelie fullfill with pocky challange that good for made one spam <3

In past week Free has talking about life and discussion with how balance life, money and sanity, for best thing todo

base on Free's skill that can take job that made more money but canbe far away from favorite path of life.

or work best money situation and made favorite just hobby?

hope this life anyone can follow thair passion without limitation by suvivor rule?

their are no best answer for this question everyone select their life bese on their experience and limitation. hope limitation should remove for everyone can select their best chioce.

this week is hard talk? Tale wanna has more positive energy this post...

Tale follow many nice artist that use copic.

Tale found real paper texture was lot different in artifical paper texture while Tale paint that digital look more like pattern.

real paper not like pattern it little different when pattern repeat. made more realistic and good.

Tale likely non pattern a lot.
