that seem prove what good posture have to be when sit to work in a day.
since when change to what it supose todo hurt a bit and set back.
Tale wish for no problem in ant time beyond
that seem prove what good posture have to be when sit to work in a day.
since when change to what it supose todo hurt a bit and set back.
Tale wish for no problem in ant time beyond
what to expect about compare 2 device while device has high price
and not sure where to pay to end this suffer
or pay for everthing?
it feel like hand dry even Tale didn't notice when touch Free's hand and being find way to heal it without got problem about
Free found a game about creating road with high details graphics and physics looking for time to play
while looking back for their old game and murmur about game making
high details game never popout of nowhere old game have to be in same machanic that can put as new game development cost it not a single game cost, it much more about technology and economic works
hopfully Free have time to play it
some attempt can fix temporary still Free can't pinpoint anyway
some after play rhythm game that Free play and little lag so that not good anyway
hope this attempt will fix
after few day all clothly thing wash and change but issue still persist
until one day sudden think about air perifier and change the filter for new one
the old old was cover in thick dust after change attempt and leave it run in few hour
the world in much better and the handache gone
Free just think it's recently change the filter, but not sure how long it take since last maintainance
but this time Free just learn about reset the filter counter which not automatic like another one.
stay in clean air for better life
in modern world Tale heard about someone who don't know clock as direction bacause they always use digital one
and like the floppy disk icon that the world not being use today
the world shift to newer technology
Tale don't know when the clock direction stay, might be few year or lasting generation.
just looking forward when the time come
seam likely to provide more comfort while wear a long time. Latest one last a few year and cable replaced many times. That Free tell why pick this one over.
headphone cable is analogue one even have many digital version along. Analogue device has myth that Free can't too much money while not have capability to listen that one.
Free wish for new digital headphone one and stable audio too
To just mocking in game for mental health while working some sort template
Tale must notice Free while animate to not put too much effort on it while it just mocking for update later
Animate it fun part that Free most like to do on 3d
Even Free don't have a talent to do it anyway.
Sometime need time to tune then
Today Free put a bit effort for walking animation while it just mocking one, Free say it accidently put too much dedication since Tale say if take too much time, just buy it
Tale must put Free laydown and stop to be adhd
just laydown
Free a lot of worry when digital device must be send to another place for repair or other and most of device can't self repair this day, it broke some privacy due repairer alway ask for password even they don't need to.
Tale just worry about lost of few day of work lost without backup Tale must do same work again which a boring task.
Free still think about put storage on network or doing multiple device backup
also better it completely gone Free can submit warranty without care about they reject due can't face same problem like recent semi broken device
from now just tiny stick with fast speed but just smaller capacity
Free suspect oldest one seem to be unstable but no idea to check since all checking software say it fine
but sometimes Free's PC not boot up still not sure about this one bacause of it work fine when boot up
Free didn't like this kind of broken, can't send it for warranty replacement
as if it completely broken Free can send to warranty without worry about take back empty hand
still Free use little broken device util got a new one hopfully it stay alive for few time
this still comfort place to play a countdown while noting to rush back home
lost a few year when no game to spread time with
and sleep comfortly at late night
Tale think Tale more active drawing in christmas more then newyear compare to recently year
as Tale draw a lot of thing while event almost same every year it will out of content in some year?
beside event Free got a random futune teller and hold some little good result, a bit good maybe
on recent novel that Free read, Free said about machanic of fortune and fate which never tell in every story
and how fate coordinate each individal to arrage that fortune for each individal
Free love to see every interesting machanic behide the scene in creative way possible
also it might be time to say
have a nice day
Free and Tale ever watch improvise poem sometimes, also story write in realtime is crazy, how they can thinking about all of thing at realtime?
even spectator hard to keep how character move according the story
also one found translated poem but still use same step of reading
local poem quite strict how the poem write and sound like
found one time that translate to another language and keep the same sound and meaning.
word of choice to pick and use
must take dedication to learn this skill
warm blaket under cold air
even mostly it didn't cold as mostly computer usage keep room warm even under air conditioner
weather normally warm also
so mostly blaket just spare for some day that need more comfy a bit like after hard work
in few year ago Tale was impress by AI coloring that help in process of drawing faster
in this day it generate from promt to final without touch the pencil
can't even edit in midway
in serve on differrent purpose as tool
and till this many use for cheat on copyright
still can use for creative way if want to
hope the world fill with idea
but it very important in world building
how to build world that be lively place, keep the detail alone may take few month of work and plan
Free love to see how the imaginary world running, how ecosystem go, how people live, what they eat, how they sleep
even Tale try to build floating planet not yet cover all detail enough
is it time to go more detail?
Free start to feel like food boring
Tale not sure it about how free not put sugar in it
or just over consume
Free put a lot of food need a few vegetable along side with meat
after put a few one it become huge meal for more than normal eat
Free trying to reduce quantity of food and Tale need to tell Free to reduce too
for food enjoyer
P.S. Tale forgot to post this in last week it still on pending state ;w; this real week will post on next day
both Tale and Free catch ill after air change and force tiny air purifier to work at full speed for a long time to keep room free from dust
lost a day from recovery and need some free time for another work
hopeful to get work done
this guard quite far away from village to guard water from deepwater zone
water zone by barrier of Minster can leave some water flow between but water from village area always push to deepwater side
as Free describe is a safe managable place
and hard to be feel like for rental place which already in
after calculate a lot of space need when forming the territory Free plan for a lot of money need to have if need to form it
for this much, it need to carefully plan for future, far away that Free can't be plan it goodly.
Tale hope to feel have territory too, for both of us
but right now everyone use interrupt to steal focus
Free reduce notification to only chat but still can't regulate mind and handle
and being try to keep focus on single work.
be back to gaming to reduce out of focus problem
Tale hope it be good soon
but after a few move and try, Free decide it can't work due limited space and can't setup as planed
move back to original space
Tale wanna move to new space as boring old theme
need to measure space and few big item inside
it's time to change!
the life
everything perform a lot quicky but on slow down can help with life
reducing multitask to keep focus on
and Tale watching Free change a little from time to time
there are no forseenable change in Tale perspective
Tale cheer up anyway
and stay for any moment
Free love to roleplaying when play game as separate life in game, be another person that look quite same.
and blend into the world of game
Free keep set role on each person that contract with, including Tale.
but Free love that one word from novel that Tale like so much
"remember you just acting"
"or you become less less like you"
sound eerily?
Free try to avoid phone recently, due huge focus off, and might look like a somekind of lose control
not really lost Free can still stop once the minimum bar reach, but need to be better for more productive life
Free not like feeling that lose energy
Tale still help to keep control, maybe?