
balance sheet

Free has a balance sheet to keep track about money

balance sheet update only once a month due too lazy to update daily, just to watch if overuse

sometimes Tale still think Free not purchase something that not much cost and try to made it by self

which not really profession in this thing

but still

Free help Tale a lot while learning process

neither good or bad?



Free like plane, even must prepare more time the plane actually go

plane it safest way to moving place and Free don't like to drive a car so much

but still Free still maintain driving license, have it but don't want still far better then don't have but need to.

even Free like to see how the plane drop so, to maintain security

and also that is not a painful way to leave

the world



Free spread some angy aura recently

might be because of Tale unstable emotion?

or some device broken

Free don't like when device broken, it's about data store inside device is feel not safe to send to anyone else.

and it time consume to send device to somewhere and lose access to.

maybe Free will spread a lot on upgrading backup again


Unstable Emotion

Tale suddenly feel like attacking everyone Tale being contract with

Free not take much action on this even might be most likely targeted.

and today Tale not yet feel much better, but time still going

Free still stay on the side and properly imagin something in mind

as far as Free still on the side Tale might be recover soon

in a safe area



Free a purchase a few cloth item, without plan to use it anywhere

just for a few try and enjoyment

this might be a few shopping list of Free that almost not want something.

except some device used and play as a toy.

a good today that Tale can share cloth that Free buying it

and steal Free's cloth today




Free go grocery recently as for begin cooking sometimes

cooking a bit good due Free can control taste as both Free and Tale still like

Free like the base taste of food low addtional salt or sugar

that mean it's healty basicly

but it just a part of food that eat daily

still need some adjustment

Tale hope to find some balance soon


against the storm

on recently day

Free back home wet on heavy rain and wind storm outside

Free said it flip the weak umbella bring for daily use.

lucky that Free not catch a cold again yet.

as Free mostly use bicycle for for travel it have problem a bit

but it must going.

and Tale is awaiting


Person in Mirror

are you sure the person in mirror is actually you?

on opposite side of mirror, maybe it another identity mirror or it be another universe.

Free quite like mystery story if it give it detail enough.

a long time from Free start addicting detail thing.

not too wide just deep enough, detail enough and circled around.

and it will be a true thing.

like Tale's mirror



Free quite drop from drinking

while Tale lowwer a bit from drinking

unsure why maybe just still hold healing pill a while day

Free sometimes say it's feel dry

an effect from illness recently passing by

it took both of us while life and mental state from long time ill

Tale and Free are being recovery now mental state quite stable.

for now



Free got serious ill after caught in the rain.

and Tale can't evede

after few day Free not yet fully recover after ask a few friends always said in will recover around a week or two

both of us stuck in recovery state a quite more important now is mental state.

Tale just open pc to draw today for keep thing alive

and to be Alive

for both of us


Low blood suger

Free gonna sleep at late noon more frequent

isn't sure about blood sugar relation due after Free made some own sandwich and salad

that less sugar addition food

and feel sleepy every brain use

how much sugar need each day?

sugar quite easy to fill due a lot of soft drink that put a lot of sugar in it

the sugar that fill a bit that no taste at all it need to put a lot.

Free want to try to messure sugar level as some smart watch can do it this day.

but the price quite a bit high so Free don't want to waste a money for a thing that just want to know a few times.

Free don't like wearable thing by default want to keep thing simplest

hopefully Free desision



Tale ever think symbol is a globals language Free even dream about game that don't have language

after a few research and working in a few years Free found that symbol isn't

base on symbol label and Free's expectation sometimes that quite difference for context

and meaning it's base on experience that much see in some complex symbol

Free got a bit surprise in money management recent week and still too lazy to make accounting on schedule

Tale help Free write after this.




basicly Free don't like spicy food but can eat mostly thing that spicy and enjoy a bit

just prefer to enjoy base taste of food, that look like a healthy habit

Tale won't like much spicy food either but some few pick are allowed good thing pass also pass Free filter to eat

eat in same way as one who live with that a bless when food picking easier for everyday life.

have you has issue while food picking?

we need 3 meal a day everyday so.



that again

Free try to made a sample sandwich for purchased a lot of bacon in freeze with some plant it look more healthy

that hold Free need vegetable a lot

now a day Free can't find fit salad in nearby just like Free need vegetable 3 times more then meat

it hard to find suitable unless put in all by self

is sandwich in meat and vegetable healthy?

do you like vegetable?



today device mostly use usb type-c for connection Free has a bunch of type-c cable for varies device

just a few old or rare device that can't use

Free say remember the day that tentacle charger split to many cable for support as many phone brand as possible

as for today Tale can swap even from Tale's laptop and phone just a bit problem for few year old cable lead to slower charge for laptop

Free currently want many new device replacement as Free use that put it to limited power but Free say that laptop currently on technology shift not good for replacement today.

Tale see that good for stay use for a few month and hopefully it not broke

just as few years old laptop Tale being use.



a few game that Free every play contains a magic role sorcerer

as they cast the magic to wipe out enermy, then even remote control can be a sorcerer?

in the game once built in scifi movie show Free's friend call a build meta that include remote explosive a sorcerer build

normally some always provide equipment for survive but some stage  didn't need

not because easy the survive but it definitly didn't.

explosive just a skin for damage so can we count it as sorcerer?



as summer season in flavor of durian fruit the fruit with extensive smell Free really like it.

the smell quite unique that identification and due selective breading smell not that much impact smell

Tale miss a late sunday from coming of a new game that Free tryout to record almost everything as for reference play

and a bit progressing for a lot of story dump that mess Free up

after few hour play it given a few battleout

Free hope to continue progress on another project that hope it have a time to break


Late sleep

on recently week Free got an event that need to prepare a lot, even not a main character or need to prepare just a bit. still need to run to late night

that hard to stay enough rest

take Free so sleepy time

Tale look after and just wait for



First rain fall recently from a long long summer time and it start rainy season

laundry become more step as need to look at weather forcast first.

Free mess up with computer again and shift it to another drive Tale almost lost of painting setup notice today that Free almost wipe out old device, maybe this is good time for Tale for replace color tune.

Free recover up from almost break recently from play game many week. and got better item today.

Free likely to bless the luck as say goodbye, that Free said everyone need luck in every action, even just stay at home might have meteor drop if you unlucky enough.

bless a lucky day


*hit you with a pipe*

Free like actionful story telling

also actionful story song, unlike local mainstream that quite abstruct Free a bit hard to find song to listen

Free got unfamilar work recently and still maintain that work for a week and seem like brain not functional as ever

need to back to familiar work again



Free like a roll futon around and feel like a fulffy ball

Free just break from toy making and start a new factory again not sure how long will gone now

even it weekend Free still in same room and place in same way on workday

in hot like air fryer summer no one want to go outside

Tale don't want too

also Free just random planning about some part of future expensive toy that hope can afford to buy more



mouth sore

Free got mouth sore again and again, after first one gone, the next one come

Is't Free work too much? on currently toy that done in few section

also Free got a new item after thinking a few day before decide to buy

the problem is how to handle an old one?

a few solution then it not decide yet

maybe just try?



emotion neutralize thing ever imagine

how the sad feeling can be reduce in this way.

normally Free never do this action anytime, Free more like a bit of protrective feeling on, or little place to Tale's lap.

it's difficult to tell the body language. human form different language base on past experience including culture.

that become how hard to tell what language need for specific individual.

always put it at right time

as most Tale know only one



Free trying to do "optimize" thing and found it take a whole note unlike normal operation it need to take it large enough til notice the difference.

and look like it take a lot of disk space for

whole Free try to calculate everthing and a lot of infomation passby can easily overwhelm Tale memory.

Tale must need to organize it in space time



today sticker look so sad, Tale won't expected

that Tale want draw robot thingy way but seem unfamilar with box character then and end up in paper bag.

as Free try to train AI and watch a lot of mathermatics heavy explaination.

that a way Free can separate thing unlike trying blackbox system.

Free compare that AI is just benchmark and optimize thing today.

but it's time consume Free turn on computer at full speed a few days.

and not yet success.

Tale want to see that time finish but Free not expect it done in few day.

just time to waiting for



Free trying to adjust food and found if adjust food is cooking by self, which Free can't decide yet

meal has a lot of thing to prepare on and a lot of equipment need to handle.

time and afford need to put in a while

while Free being like "work too much" on both job and toy

Tale just see rest today while read a new novel just found.

hope that Free can actually rest sometimes

rest is important to maintain life.

take a rest