warm futon
little cold here. Free need to sleep in warm futon during morning addition with late sleep.

Free additive on cooperative game name Barotruma recently Free buildup ship in gameplay while playing as engineer for made life easier.

playing on campain mode is little harder on next step to play. at this time Free still playing on half of entries map to deep sea of Europa which fullfill with darkness.

Gameplay require more cooperative and more dynamic gameplay base on player.

one status Free extreamly like in this game is phychosis which player who phychosis is don't know affect, but show fake fire, brake device and made life harder because they know is true until going to repair it.

in fact Barotruma in real life is status physical damage by pressure, it has in game die during deep dive of submarine.

Tale still playing Genshin Impect and got new gacha character name Ganyu recently, cute one in Tale perspective regardless how old in stories. push to near maximum level in single day.

but still not enough upgrade material today. need farm more missing material again.

Base on gameplay genshin impect not need to upgrade most character like arknight but look better if upgrade one or two main dps and lowwer priority on support. it just simple hack and slash game come with great level design.

is one show how game work in this way.

have idea for some game? Tale wanna made one someday.
