Free has a curse, when buy new mouse pen Free see discount price after purcense.

but today is great day, it can cancel order, refund with full price and buy new one in lower price

Tale feel a bit guilty about waste time, packing material and shipping cost but that waste is waste, Free can save 1/3 when doing that.

about curse Free bought three mouse pen in Free's life first is not good, so Free buy new one when it broke.

next one is great but that come with 2 year license of paint software that only unpredictable discount 3 times. so Free buy it and than that software discount for lifetime license, and compare to price of mouse pen Free can buy lower tier and buy license separate once in lower price. that time it cannot return.

Free never buy anything then it discount except this one, only one. not count game that discount in year later.

long time item discount still fine if Free got product and play more first before it time come, like price exchange for time to be first owner.

Free also like black cat, black cat never curse anyone.

any time.

be a good girl,
