Short story
Tale read a few horror story, at night

even know it not reality but little fear around.

Tale not know a lot about style, it has rule then main character must follow the rule

the best thing made a lot of fearful while character made a mistake.

then it more real world when character made mistake and recover.

some story may good when made as game

but yes both Free and Tale not like horror story, to read that story only need to touch the feeling.

Free got accept for new job, in this week still lookup but good to see.

a lot of decision need to made when change job.

and like a random thing that unknow

Free take a bet by time and life resource.

long term decision is hard, no one know future.

Free try to take more few year to enjoy life,

once life target change from need to alive to need to enjoy a life.

it will never move down.

decision has no answer.

Free trust the present.

only few prepare for future.

that a good luck
