Moonlight reader
on this week, both Free and Tale reading novel til midnght as first idea is midnight reader but while idea is form it change to moonlight

from fantasy theme novel that writing good above average but Free made on top tier about logic

not only in story logic but also writer who write it as well but Tale should spread in story logic on time

as fastasy novel it has magic, magic is rule, rule is exeptional for reality talent writer keep minimal as possible and to produce inside story

everyone know magic rule use mana to as enery to 'cast' magic but what about cast? it fill with energy

and if spell cast it produce effect then if rule of effect are minimal every effect share same rule most magic can remix to produce multiple effect

if rule minimal every magic cast it look sensible (even look deeper it not sensible in story sensible is fine)

for more talent lookup is how many that story reuse 'rule'.

Tale like every time done it predictable action and more fun while story not complete and need to predict next action

this novel is finish but Tale has almost 100 chepter to read

this take multiple midnight on this addictive story

however this novel write from 9 year ago and finish this year

writer is very good to keep story in same feeling for a long time

Tale will read more it should finish in this weekend

