Free and Tale love fluffy pajamas

but sadly even Free whi say cold at 28 C not have many day in year without airconditioner to wear fluffy pajamas

on new game Blue Archive take much time this week

at first glare Free not take much need due it wire motivation in game.

and first play become as looklike but still it on good enough for keep attachtive

in order to compare to Arknights, Arknights motivation of battle is solve world conflict but not on BlueArchive it looklike thier boring and fight

that world bullet cost cheap and not very dangerous, no one died in battle

(in case lose hp, thier cry and move out of battle)

and one more IAP price cost a lot around 3 times of Arknights

Tale wanna cry

in case visual design Tale think is good and place in one game that pass the line

note: not mean it on average, mean the thier can keep eye on and see what going on

in storyline are good but a bit feeling of gender role here, that good thing no grow up a lot in storyline so not take much impact

Free still working on Tale site, Free crying on working from site engine from 4 year ago

Tale love going with that and hopefully site and grow up soon
