history. Floating planet
this village build on flat land

but water in river raise a little bit year by year.

first think just flood on rainny season. but past 4 year water everywhere.

many plant die. main food source of village include in that

someone leave from village but more stay here.

by build small dam around planting area to keep food. and build house lift it from ground.

but water still raise

many villager leave in next year.

only 37 left in village. they lift everthing up the ground. include walkway and fake fake ground for planting food source

but too late.

they save only 3 spice from 12 spice and they lost main food source, it cannot fully glow on fake ground.

new food source can glow while flooding just grass near river while fully glow root can eat. before use in snake making. but now use for keep village alive.

by that grass must glow over water. flood cannot make grass die but will stop glowing.

they need to glow on fake ground before move down to under water.

new grass farm don't keep grass from fake ground.

build floating area with less soil on move to under water remove rope and place tham under water.
