
Free got a few gifts recently that Tale can feel some emotion that flow around maybe Tale wanna gift little more when time come

Tale laptop still under maintain and Tale not sure where orignal file of all sticker will go around?

base on time Tale should has around 30 sticker inside but more then 100 gone count by sticker number maybe Tale has more backup somewhere

hope Tale laptop not lose sticker inside, it precious treasure for Tale and hope not lost

Free still take backup multiple localtion feaquently but this time it little long from last backup and Free plan to backup in someday that not busy, but accident done first.

Free little snack addict in few day again and little think in will pass in few day. due high sugar not good for health in long time. but this time Tale will allow it

as long as it not too much Tale will break for

sugar controll not to be strict but need to limited when gone to farside of capacity

as long as Free happy still fine
