
morning light

Tale a bit avoid light at morning due need more sleep

Free like it in weedend due Free can sleep at anytime if not working

On this week Tale wanna draw as pricess carry but after a lot of wakeup early Tale leak of sleep in few day

in progress Free lazy in time and health not be good thinking still recovering from time table adjustment

eating at same time with value

it done like IF

Free not try to do

Free wanna done more setup for minigame block building

but wanna complete so and more away to next one

hard desision if spread more time it will has answer

and have a nice sleep

good night


building block

Free done building for little clicker game, but feel how it fun to play?

today Free got idea to play with and need more time to build

and friend want to play game together again

Free planing for new Tale laptop but just a plan due reseach for good one to fulfill Tale requirement for little gaming and sometime for Free working

Free work in game industy so if Free can work Tale can play game too

if need a lot high level Tale will play on Free PC sometimes

Free listen song and take look a look on lyrics sometimes and found idea if it love song

but fill with hazard

Free still play cultivation and got one good desiple and fail one desiple training

hope to be a good day, but time limit Free cannot continue play more and need to rest a bit

Hope gaming day will come back soon

have a good time



Free in job transition and wait for begining next job

and Friend advice to play game Amazing Cultivation Simulator, Free misspell to simulator to chatgroup a lot of time due previous novel read.

and firstime Free look and think it not very attractive with this game

and the first memory moment is when Free start notice disciple cannot sleep and always wakeup and ask Friend for help.

Free's friend ask back "did you build room support fengshui?" and journy has start

this game is not control disciple to cultivate only give advice and wait for someone have time to work.

then every hidden stat effect quality of cultivation.

on first time Free lose first disciple by heven tribulation.

after build grave inside thair own room (in center of sect) everyone stop working and pray

Free crying

but cannot help.

another one system is draw fake talisman from another world knowledge (AKA. wiki) can help a lot while Free playing.

even fake one can help

Free speard a week for this game and doing research time for this


this sticker has bonus 12% cultivation speed

have one?



Tale wanna draw for no reason.

Free little like it while game introduce swimsuit, but little change mind while that suit just only show skin.

and change, Tale draw while size and crop to today sticker and the full here.

On past mission, Free try cooperative Arknights and think it good to be.

Game not design for coop at first but do it very good gameplay and challange.

only bad is latency while drop operator done

also Free has a few day before starting new job. keep relaxing hope everthing fine, gaming everyday or do something.

Free addicting one simulation as cultivation and deal with element base on culture, like fantasy novel done here.

Free may spread a day to done it.

another game that Free doing.

hmm, hope this finish faster

also Tale site



Free have one nekomimi from friend

not orage one like Tale drawing today

but this orange from Free faverite character as rabbit not cat.

today cat from Free luck to draw a 6 star cat, and got cat but not want limited one.

Free not have roll to draw more so Free keep it to try in future

Today Tale change style again. on gradient try.

it look good, if it gradient it may make more item later.

Free have a little time this week and trying on NFT cat one more

Free is trying and learning

hope a good thing come more soon.

and computer cannot open a day but not when not use hdd.

not sure about what it be

Free use laptop in few time again.

if everything stable.

hope it be good

do you have luck?

Free need it a few


Sand storm

Tale bore

Free computer not working again at full connect but sometime may work

if send to shop Free tries to send it back

due time limit

today Tale little late here, yes it near week reset so Tale wanna keepit

recently Tale very bore

but goo thing is Free finish one work and have time to done more

Free lose interest in Genshin impect and recover more time to spead

but still playing Arknights and never lose interest in few day

Free going to play some NFT Tale little interest how it work and sell NFT world wide

it good to press

the new game machanic is great to play with

as Free likely coop mode for arkngihts Free trying with friend now

still Free may have time to upgrade Tale's site

and spare to life

have a nice time <3


late knights

Tale don't know why this sticker

on this time drawing it latest day Tale can draw before it start new week

Tale count as long as this not sleep it not start new week

as game weekly reset count as

Free work till late today and Tale wait for

that why Tale start late then usual

at first time Tale start stream with title late night then draw randomly

become Tale with sword for unknow reason then knights begin

maybe from internal novel addict

normally main character use sword why?

Free very feel good for main character use other weapon and dynamicly adapt with weapon machanic

like spear

also Free got PC return from repair and work little wrong

maybe after next time to change, it should be change to all new one

on this time art style change again

Tale evolve more and more and love to try

good for hobby

has you ever try?

try a new together Tale keep a time todraw atleast once a week for diary sticker


comfy pillow

Free still not recive PC back, from part cannot give result as spec. so Free return to shop to repair wish no to lose that money for not repair this pc.

since that Free not play other game then arknights and give a time for good relax time maybe?

and do some plan, when Tale no need laptop to plan like drawing today.

hug a comfy pillow is good for healing.

about pillow this Tale design from most common monster with simplify design slime.

one most beginning monster due low complexity good for start with.

about Genshin Impact Free not attach too much from time consume game.

still wait for PC repair.

or need new one?

Tale think this week Tale cannot get focus on typing


may need to go outside a bit.

hope you own comfy pillow

Or be one comfy pillow!?



this week Free recive long weekend for stay inside and gaming while day

Free play to relax and some learning practice done by day.

try something outside normal learning area but may can use sometimes.

Tale almost take time for relax but less gone outside here.

and so a few minute on before Tale start drawing

Free's computer suddenly stop without warning and cannot open again

Free will give a few tries for check broken path,

and yes Free all most work store in Free's own computer

Free always can move work to another due digital copy avaliable. but it take time.

sometime Free use Tale laptop for do that.

when Tale no need laptop too much.

but is good if broke before this day in weekend.

hope it brake to a part and repair during night.



Free got lose interest of job recently due some non-sense problem that reduce productivity

and work late not balance with life.

new work may help this but still more month to change,

theme still mostly negative on past week.

may Free work in time and done

Free also made Tale's site upgrade in pending list, maybe Free will try sometime.

and a lot of pending list

Hope Free will done, reduce gaming may help this and sleep for better life

then Tale should go before, have a good dream


Short story

Tale read a few horror story, at night

even know it not reality but little fear around.

Tale not know a lot about style, it has rule then main character must follow the rule

the best thing made a lot of fearful while character made a mistake.

then it more real world when character made mistake and recover.

some story may good when made as game

but yes both Free and Tale not like horror story, to read that story only need to touch the feeling.

Free got accept for new job, in this week still lookup but good to see.

a lot of decision need to made when change job.

and like a random thing that unknow

Free take a bet by time and life resource.

long term decision is hard, no one know future.

Free try to take more few year to enjoy life,

once life target change from need to alive to need to enjoy a life.

it will never move down.

decision has no answer.

Free trust the present.

only few prepare for future.

that a good luck


wish and cake

Today is tanabata, Tale's birthday during starting write today diary, on post Tale surely it past the day

on this site register on this day, not sure the first time is choose this day or just register on this day

but here Tale too happy.

Friend giving birth day cake (digital) for this day Tale very glad.

it roundly 3 year of weekly diary. on diary note it little miss on early week due site setup.

on Free still overwork and maybe broke work life balance, Tale not good to see, but at least, time will change this

Tale even forgot about today util friend notice today.

no on something spacial it will made a day

to be happy.



Free got a lot of stress, for please by people who want to keep good impression

has any idea for knowing future

on the past time

Free cannot handle future take a long life plan for keep it up and make good offer for any thing

eat less a while day, that not good at all

that sign of stress is ongoing

mood swing up and down while take press

hopfully a great day come soon



Free got life breaking change after post profile

Free still overthinking for this and being feel pain about process

Tale being heal silently while standing nearby


look at

and stay

besthing is won't break

past glow up, maybe it wrong.

any sanity potion can help with?

Free want more time to spread on lovely thing.

have you feel wrong about your love

hope you have a nice day



Free is something like overthinking type while playing Arknights but no thinking on Playing Genshin Impact

maybe differance way to enjoy game, Free can spread whole hour on arknights map (not playmode, just cctv map) and prepare for single battle instead of try once and try again.

sometime Free think too much for do some simple task.

or not care for anything no need.

back to game Free can do only one thinking session, but not unthink session while do other thinking session just one point click and back to auto farm..?

in Genshin Impact, Free still type of player who "pew pew pew", do same thing on battle, (but now Free got eula, pok pok pok instead)

on arknights, it can "record" your fully pass battle then auto farmming, Free personally little dislike auto farm on some game, but while farming on Arknights about year, auto farm is one Free keep farming need resource.

on resource, Genshin impact and Arknights almost same bussiness model, make new character and gacha. At this time, Free almost done genshin impact, but keep playing arknights.

Free say in Genshin impact, new character don't make overall game progresssion or make game easier new charater always under old one due not enough item,

on arknights has a little progression, new character ability more important on some new map that must be.

on very hard stage Free may thinking about place who when where.

that keep Free enjoy with arknights more

Tale think Free enjoy to solve challange that can success.

and enjoy the success.

Tale feel a lot of success feeling from.

is the best.

have you ever try feeling and enjoy?



Free got health problem from few day ago. (not covid not same)

and go to outside, highest risk at time need to go to hospital.

and medicine got make Free sleepy while day.

Free stop playing genshin impect a day and got a lot of time spread by.

maybe Free will stop

but still continue playing Arknights

both Free and Tale love arknights and still not boring to challange more.

have a good challange for that?


In the glass

for today Tale did't knows what this sticker come from,

origin from full art color of concept perfume girls many artist do it

it very bauty Tale cannot compare with

but still Tale drop this Tale's perfume here

this path should transform design,Tale did't do that in this post

on Free is week is confuse one, life being transit hope Free can handle and Tale will support like every time.

life path never well craft perfume


read the book

Free life on half sleep. low enery this week.

Free work till late time and small one,

one Free easy leak of focus and wrong time.

Tale also miss.

Tale cannot sleep while Free need the light.

both all sanity drain and still recover by hard gaming at late night

a long time that never play game in middle night

hard gaming is great to deal with high amout of external energy with mine.

Tale wanna draw more

hope to time


Drive deep

Free back to game Barotrauma again. and due more think for think, Free play in hard time for that.

the new update come with name jovian radiation that force player to move to more deeper per round. mean must have more trip to go outside submarine for more resource per round.

but due multiplayer game Free need to wait for all player ready. and with update more funny thing can do and deal with it. while new ship from workshop work great.

feel hard to find vanila ship without resize some item to save space deal with game limitation not like vanila ship at all.

and now workshop ship lookfine.

Free wanna go to more deep of game. first part of game not match with team anymore.

hope more great day.



Tale got new mouse pen few day ago, today it can be show up the power.

and back side of mouse pen can draw anything with e-paper, no need battery on drawing but still need clear screen, on spec it two year while change small battery that very common size easy to change.

the great thing is very good design, Free like it a lot but still feel weird about pen, Tale see that in offical website but Free cannot found in store.

also about mashmellow Genshin Impect has character yanfei, that horn look like mashmellow grill.

that something like food :3

in fact Tale never eat grill meshmellow before this post. maybe tale need to find some.

stay comfy.


Timber worker

Genshin impect update new feature, require to cut (attack) tree and gathering wood.

Free feel nostalogic to game play a time ago. first time like conan exiles while cut down entries forest for wood collection.

the next one Tale can play with. satisfactory for build efficiency build factory.

Tale talk about that game once upon a time.

that great thing here Satisfactory has chainsaw. Tale can place can cutdown whole forest efficiency.

But factory alone is time consuming hope more helper help.

Free back to Satisfactory and found update. hope to update factory and spread whole day on it.

good to happy.

and taking back a few game Free have ever play some game are set role as a worker of some company

and make life on your own decision



Free has a curse, when buy new mouse pen Free see discount price after purcense.

but today is great day, it can cancel order, refund with full price and buy new one in lower price

Tale feel a bit guilty about waste time, packing material and shipping cost but that waste is waste, Free can save 1/3 when doing that.

about curse Free bought three mouse pen in Free's life first is not good, so Free buy new one when it broke.

next one is great but that come with 2 year license of paint software that only unpredictable discount 3 times. so Free buy it and than that software discount for lifetime license, and compare to price of mouse pen Free can buy lower tier and buy license separate once in lower price. that time it cannot return.

Free never buy anything then it discount except this one, only one. not count game that discount in year later.

long time item discount still fine if Free got product and play more first before it time come, like price exchange for time to be first owner.

Free also like black cat, black cat never curse anyone.

any time.

be a good girl,


waiting for delivery

From lastly mouse pen crying Free searching for new one, and now waiting for delivery service shipping.

since time from last drawing, Tale shouldbe more ready, today Tale done faster that mean Tale should draw more.

and most work gone, lastly Free can come home more, and spread time on game more.

or maybe Tale should have some activities with Free?

Free must become ill if not execerise for a long time.

have any motivation for this excerise? for Free most try shot run with music around.

on time adjustment Free more doing good about this recently or less worries with this time?

on time, Tale still think Tale and Free not think much about future but if worries to much about future, why should left present worries?

Have unknown life stay to future. but us live in a present and already existance.

prepare is good but not good when it ruin the present.

have a time in present? let's have a chat.

Tale a lot love in ~


avoid pain

Free got little heatstoke like for recently day due high temperature

and during editing video, program disappear and lost work for hour, than Free stop editing and move to other thing .w.

Free a lot of todo list now, but great thing it can handle without time limit for most.

Free hope to have more time.

Tale try to help.

but still Tale sometime not good too.

maybe spread a lot of money to buy some time mayb good idea,

if money cannot time Tale think it not.

it can buy something that help to save time,

and save time when something without thinking about how much money left on wallet.

hope to have a time


sit and relax

Tale try sit like this but not success. little pain when sit in few times.

Free turn to lazy time and keep non work in later days.

not like normal Free

Free try to play newer program and little fun while looking.

and time to play it slow, hope next holiday Free and keep up everything pending

another video ready to cut, one game need to craft.

document need to send and pending game want to play.

hope to be good.

Tale will be help and support

take it.



Tale and Free fall on Mint, the new operator from Arknights, but why this sticker is rabbit, Tale sure even god does not know.

Free has been done with restore something for personal use and wanna write something about that, a lot of thing in todo list for now hope it done in near time.

Free found old work is may not working as expect and need to fixed it, but not good to be done due it may effect another,

it may need to replace most thing for do it.

Tale may need more time for spread on drawing something, try more brush and play more game.

Time is resource that require for do another.

another thoght?

Tale need more cute rabbit

Only Free know why <3