
a pool

temperature raise as summer time

this summer are both Tale and Free stay under air conditioner for keep living and not take heat stroke

wanna has some pool and spread time inside small private pool during summer

it must be good if electronic device playable under water

Tale will play game with it

Free must need to join in the pool Tale always need for both fit and take a rest for a few hour

water is refreshing



Free getup at midnight a lot of time recently that not good for rest at all

Tale cannot do more then mental health a bit not sure what going on with Free while no thing can be distrupt at midnight

another one maybe Free back to rhythm game after long time and got a lot song update and collab event Free try to play with a bit

and sometime back to rearrange Tale site a bit

maybe it a lot of time Tale can wait for?

if not critical Tale can wait a bit more

today Tale press more expression in sticker hope Free enjoy this one :3


outside skirt

Free made little discussion on some friend about how tail can be if wear skirt

so many idea come with and Tale try to wear (in non real one) skirt under tail to look how cute it is

Free like fluffy tail and must be fall in this fluffy one

how about fluffy tail, want one? and keep it forever



fluffy fur is good

Free like to see in any drawing

if send free fluffy drawing fur Tale always got hit (except wrong perspective)

recently Arknights release some fluffy girls that really cute

Tale try to draw like that

yes third one is Cardigan from Arknights most Free's Faverite operator and story release in globals recently Tale sure Free will read all if not busy time

little challenge to extract idea from base design but now Tale work done

wanna surround by fluffy girls



Free like fluffy thing

full set pajamas glove and feet

but not many times that pick due temperature condition that force to use air condition if need to wear that fluffy once

Tale also like this warm one too it feel good like getting hug a while day

Tale draw if higher size today to out style but not good as in mind, Tale wanna try again next time <3

are you recive hug today? Tale will send to you remotely



one of Free faverite snake is chocolate

but most chocolate in market is too sweet for Free

on this valentine Free little busy on work time

Free got some disrupt in recently weekend made Free half rest

also maybe Free notice too much moblie disrupt so Free try to reduce sns down a bit for time

and that time for upgrading Tale site

slowly progress but good time to be



Free recently change hair style

with one lovely side tail with ribbon

not that orange one but good one gifted from friend

except overtime work this week Free have good time to clear most event from game and spread time in bed for a long time

and lively smile while talking

hopefully keep Tale can keep this time forever

with lively smile


peaceful day

likely today is twintails day

Tale love twintails but little hard to place tails equal on both side

Tale will try with Free who shorter hair for while but after time ribbon will lose in middle of the day

maybe need little skill to make twintails that cute

Free little cutoff some work on recently week and return back time to update

moody Free won't that cute

better with smile

have a healthy day


unidentified weapon(s)

What that Tale holding? not sure Tale still not sure what this drawing for now

about that color pallet Tale use today use for darker that normal pallet

to add more depth to sticker

maybe need more color to made this sticker look depth

Free have problem on time adjustment due weekend disturb by work

maybe few

also Free start working on Tale's site again with little change objective to made site working fine

Tale wanna animate this sticker but still wanna help Free to done

hopefully good time today


white shadow

as idea from this sticker from twitter Tale seen recently

draw somthing fully same color as background and feel like it wrap from another dimension

that good idea to see and try once to collect the idea pattern since Tale (also Free) who never remember from something see and never try it

once try it and knows from fail, yeah it not good as origin but is like fast way to go

and today Tale done

Tale will try and try at least this weekly sticker to be

so Tale too much self talk this week

Free look good for today and recently week, not fully rest but finally recover from work

after done (not end game yet but build enough resource automation in game) a game in nearly hundred hour in game

Free begin open Tale site for rework or watching idea and practice from video site again


shower thought

Free offen thinking a lot while shower

due that time cannot play game and hard to touch mobile phone

on this time Free stop rebuilding Tale's site and start playing Factorio for relaxing


Free place and take up factory for a while and place switch about 4 calculator to plan a factory

it maybe relax due no one can helm on wrong place factory

Tale join sometime but not take that much time as Free done for now

helping for Free rest is Tale working

take a rest.



free got late night work a few time in recent week that ruin sleep cycle

on day off, Free visit to group of friend didn't meet for few year

play game together and stop by maid cafe for first time

maid cafe has dream land concept with 12 rule

how dreamland has too many rule?

and also on weekend Free spread a few hour in submarine with friend

for a relax day and not heavy thingking

have you try rabbit parfait

try me !?!


Christmas present

from recently christmas

Tale wait for Free end of midnight work

late night and Tale begin fall to sleep

and Tale see again in morning Free wake up

basicly Tale and Free not spacialize christmas day, it not holiday at my local

but Tale didn't want Free to work at late night

even work day

for this time Free got some time rest a bit

Tale being draw some fanart about game development department, which Free love to see

Free has a huge game development passion and wanna work when have time

and spread a lot of time in game

as today

one way for relax

next time maybe newyear, let pass a day together


double sleeping

Tale has no idea while saving this sticker

on game name BlueArchive Free being play and get most faverite student at time

Tale wanna draw for cute student too on pose Tale have no idea, and time is midnight

Free work hardest Tale ever seen on recently week and today Free being recover while play timberborn that recently update a while day

that good for healthy being

have you ever spread while day on game for relaxing?

or spread while day for nothing

if need to, try someday


no idea

Tale have no idea about drawing today

head empty

good thing to be is air still cool enough for sleep

Free overwork from past weekend and really tries,

good pay off still need but work done is good

Free balance rest and life for a few busy day

and little doing Tale site

Tale help for clearing most thing for Free life efficency

and go on


winter is now and is over

to day is last day of winter in Tale local

a short winter longer then many year Tale experience with

a lot of thing Tale wanna draw as thing Tale and Free want to be done together

including wear some short skirt in cold air, Tale wanna draw it sometime

or relax in onsen with far sight view without care of time

Free is once cannot place self to stay empty mine a long time.

but sometime need to be done

Tale wanna help for Free to relax and stay empty a while for refresh live

Free need to place all job done


Infinite pink

Tale not good in draw eye again.

But today Tale try once again, the full body (maybe it can be count)

with this perspective not in normal way Tale mostly draw

Free cry since last week, due overtime at saturday and stay at bed a long time.

but gain a good payback at time,

Free wanna continue Tale's site but not be done yet

hope it good lifetime

Tale wanna try too



Free work late again due close to deadline in time

and not much time to relax

Free bought spine2d for Tale but Tale also not pay time too much this week

hope to a have more time to deal with

on site Tale lookup a bit but Free not have time to write it

on working Free may need to outside soon

little fear of covid today

confusing today

it may go on



Free and Tale love fluffy pajamas

but sadly even Free whi say cold at 28 C not have many day in year without airconditioner to wear fluffy pajamas

on new game Blue Archive take much time this week

at first glare Free not take much need due it wire motivation in game.

and first play become as looklike but still it on good enough for keep attachtive

in order to compare to Arknights, Arknights motivation of battle is solve world conflict but not on BlueArchive it looklike thier boring and fight

that world bullet cost cheap and not very dangerous, no one died in battle

(in case lose hp, thier cry and move out of battle)

and one more IAP price cost a lot around 3 times of Arknights

Tale wanna cry

in case visual design Tale think is good and place in one game that pass the line

note: not mean it on average, mean the thier can keep eye on and see what going on

in storyline are good but a bit feeling of gender role here, that good thing no grow up a lot in storyline so not take much impact

Free still working on Tale site, Free crying on working from site engine from 4 year ago

Tale love going with that and hopefully site and grow up soon



Tale try animate progream today was done a liitle moving

at first time, Tale wanna blink eye (and prepare close eye for animate)

but not sure how made it good

and first time try look good today

note: animate PNG may not support, Tale use firefox to watch this

about GIF, is little lowwer quality still acceptable but Tale site cannot upload GIF, and Free not update site yet,

Free said Free writing a lot of automation test for keep site work as aspect due leak of hand testing

Tale sure is must look better, from this time somewhere in Free site work wrongly (and Free still not update yet due not too much use as Tale)

Tale site looklike stable version for use and fixed some issue Tale faced, but some function Tale won't repeatly use may broke

on this time Tale have a toy for play a while, hope it going to increase art relate work

and enjoy with Tale


wanna try

On first try, everything is hard

for now Tale draw sticker within hour after past few year of weekly draw

with more details then first day Tale start

thank to Free to starting doing for

try together and Free back to update site from busy work hour

now Tale will keep draw a while

and try to animate thing

after time Tale see someone tweet "artist who win is who not stop drawing"

not mean spread all time to draw but when you have time

Try with Tale



Tale think about 2d animation tool and wanna try it

but so Tale it not be professional or use as job only wanna try (not live2d)

and progream quiet expensive for Free to buy it as hobby

or maybe use trial like pro enogh before buy

From recently arknights release new event and banner this kal'sit sticker draw on last week (after post diary) give Free draw in 2 change

but after 100 roll still no skadi 2.0 so Tale blessing skaai this week

Free clear mind and almost work done from recent week and starting rewrite Tale site (this site)

that good thing for upgrade,

Free think it need much time to upgrade due site written from many year ago, and need to upgrade to match Tale behaviour that know from usage for few year

in the first Tale don't think also Free don't think Tale can draw every week sticker to fullfill but it done from time to time

even little late like this week but still catchup once a week for few year

hope this will light up


Dreamin castle

dream for castle, imaginary one

today Tale build a single block of castle

play around for a day

place one more block


and castle being slow progress

once a day it done or never it never that day

no one know?

if try to build one to finish in few week it can but may burn life and mental

castle may not best but if fit to builder

it fine now

Free wait for next game event and wanna spread a day within but another need to work

also Free look happy from clear few work in week

now it good time to relax

Tale wanna do so


Moonlight reader

on this week, both Free and Tale reading novel til midnght as first idea is midnight reader but while idea is form it change to moonlight

from fantasy theme novel that writing good above average but Free made on top tier about logic

not only in story logic but also writer who write it as well but Tale should spread in story logic on time

as fastasy novel it has magic, magic is rule, rule is exeptional for reality talent writer keep minimal as possible and to produce inside story

everyone know magic rule use mana to as enery to 'cast' magic but what about cast? it fill with energy

and if spell cast it produce effect then if rule of effect are minimal every effect share same rule most magic can remix to produce multiple effect

if rule minimal every magic cast it look sensible (even look deeper it not sensible in story sensible is fine)

for more talent lookup is how many that story reuse 'rule'.

Tale like every time done it predictable action and more fun while story not complete and need to predict next action

this novel is finish but Tale has almost 100 chepter to read

this take multiple midnight on this addictive story

however this novel write from 9 year ago and finish this year

writer is very good to keep story in same feeling for a long time

Tale will read more it should finish in this weekend



in the bag

this sticker highly inspire by Arknights Free faverite game as always

recent event is very challage but with Free and Friend done after play single stage for 3 hours though discuession and idea

but on automatic deployment it still error don't know what happen it is but from many ties it little hard to fixed

on working Free got challange work with in week, it maybe Free fun for done this

from time, powerbackup has done wrong after heavy rain and little rain spread on it, not have time to repair now but gaming day should pause as is.

Free bought new laptop for Tale, that good thing Free still put working spec on this laptop for borrow sometimes. Tale being good with that if Free can work, Tale always fine

on past week Free play a lot of game, maybe need to spread more time on hobby?

and health time


wooden dam

at time Free playing game timberborn for a while, that early access game

build beaver empire

as beaver water is friend (maybe) and great machanic is serive hot summer, this only one game Free lost entries empire on first time playing

build dam as beaver, Free love it from time to time

game play to end is good, but still early access mean more new thing may apply

best thing is autosave never pause game. it done silently while playing.

on my game, Free overengineer while game and may split one to release first then have more time to manage thing

and today Tale download new brush from CSP , at first Tale don't know how to use downloaded brush but this time done

a line very good is help a lot, but Tale may need redesign for line art one.

feel free to use if you like it, limit to personal use only <3

have a nice day