
sleep break

Tale need only a little time for recover from falling state

place in bed after hour listen faverite song, and keep a little place for Free

to healing up

onlyone need to stay together

at least

we are here

are you here?


try a bit

this week Free try hard some working plan and little game addiction.

Tale try to made 3d model from lovely one sticker Tale start a referance from this one sticker

Tale try to think. referance image not perfactly fit don't try too hard to be like.

relax and made one

have you tried something

nice to try some!



Free know mobile game Arkknights by a lot of Amiya fanart

but know its tower defence and press download it today!

good at texting

that little thing that made game more attractive.

and from now on Tale will be one who spam Amiya FA



Tale keep time for art recently and now it's give a fruit

Tale current redesign Tale avatar

just for fun and little for try 3d modeling

Free aslo keep time for game streaming

Both start in short time. Tale feel like being glowing glowing overtime

Recently draw one



Free like chocolate

that sweet one

Tale wanna Feed Free with a lot of chocolate but not good eat only chocolate

and with money

are you like chocolate

which one mlik or dark chocolate?


rabbit time

Tale being draw rabbit again

that Free's faverite design rabbit with long ear. or somthing oversized!

Tale notice cute thing just enough.

Free plan time for sharing game in twitch and Tale made art.

starting together and being glow

for non alone time

nice to see you


Sweet time

Tale and Free start schedule.

Tale first manage time for art and found many art in Todo list

Tale push all in Todo to stream queue

and Free follow in this weekend for game and rest time with someone can talk with.

Lonely here talk with Free.

see you


just a plan

tale start drawing stream. also for draw diary too.

Tale plan for do 3 time in week

one for diary

and one building up channel for Tale and Free

another one for random draw.

Tale donate weekend time for Free stream play game.

seeyou in drawtime


mine analog

Free recently change a thing

something in mine

remain Free wanna leave

this post donate to Free

Free being change a bit

in lonely place Free try more twitch and follow Tale channel

last time Tale ses Free play more game

look like to remove mine dust

Tale not sure when Free clean up but hope be better soon

for this time Free start twitch channel and try to play game everyday.

come to play with Free



Free decied to do 'make game together' that will start within 2 week on twitch

Tale will support any channel view

hard to start Free will do it on time

Like Tale Diary progress will slowly pass on weekly

Thank for any support to Free



lighting in drawing a bit imaginary require

Tale should be have some finetune about this

Free has idea some game but no time to take it happen

push it next to quene of large game design current doing

Tale will help to made it happen


roll roll and roll

Tale finish too fast today.

one a day Tale start this site

Tale just create target to draw everyday and reusable sticker.

but too much time consume per day Tale decide to draw and process weekly diary.

Free help to develop this site.

once Tale start to draw

Tale draw sticker every single post and talk to Free to much

with meaningless sticker meaningful emotion

Tale will continus keep this time alive.

are you have meaning to be alive

be your dream has progress.

follow dream with Tale



Tale never get gift from anyone

Free sometime get from someone

best time just spend time one each other together

play some game or stay insight

Tale best time that time Free be happy

have you has happy time

or be someone happy time


not ready today

Free wake at night recently

something like nightmare that less time come

Free move close at night like need to help

Tale holdhand hope to be better

Tale stay here forever


Place to chat

Free change somthing

for working time that time consume to much

less power todo personal game

Free still do progress

slower than expect

maybe time not good to chating

Free wannabe chating

Free need place that able to chating

Tale prepare that place

Keep up progress

Ps. from lastly post

Tale draw

look empty

Tale will place more details


4 square meter

how much live you need

Free look s smail space with close friend that enough

sit in empty corner with owner book or computer

Free think safe space for doing faverite thing that can be living

it important to living better than have a life



Tale drawing try chibi scaling today

not too cute maybe

Tale drawing look lowwer scale from past time

maybe Tale need to draw full girl somewhere

keep the color



action not ready

Free feel ill for lastly day form leak of sleep

and air not good

Free cannot many food in that day and sleep for while

for now Free feel better


Tale stream for drawing with target for any image placable in twitch and twitter profile

start around 2 pm GMT+7 if you want to watch

Tale not to talk

is good to make some noise

if Free not go bad Tale will start stream tomorrow



Keep it secret

Free like some post look that add hide some basic infomation

pose in art that want to hide something

maybe about taste

Free change many taste in details in few time

but still love something for a longtime

that come from experience in past

every singleone that made for Free only that Free will keep allthing and consume if can be

not hard to observe for thing that Free like but not know if not thing about it

ps. this will lastly rollback post next post is ontime post


Sweet dream

dream is reflection of current life

Free clear mostly thing

Look happier than past

have some dream in recently happytime

and with some friend

have you has something like sweet dream

you can have sweet one

ps Tale try some other social connection recently

Twitter for little post and follow art

Twitch drawing steam *may change name later* *share with free somtimes*

Ko-fi for donation

Tale will draw all profile unique for every platform you can follow twitch for drawtime!


motion + extra note

Free is moving

from another pushing

what is good what is wrong

no way best find some way better

hope doing good way

Ps' Tale site down for many week Tale cannot reach my site for now comeback

Tale will post for past weekly diary day by day until up to date Tale store drawing for this.

thank everyone



nothing want todo

have you has this emotion

Free got it recently

play game a lot

this gift for healing

that from faverite type for Free only

get better

are you need healing?

spelling some food



sometime Free think somthing look Possible idea

that normal person not think that way

look Possible and Easy to do to theory. but sometime not work in real life

canbe in fantacy novel

may Free write some long page novel?

that need a lot of time.

Free plan to do if stay safe somewhere.

this color set for sticker look sweet

that same set with change color slot a bit

look verygood in painting

Tale will change all someday



Keep drawing

Free rushing in few day.

not time to select new color for Tale.

Free bit change for move time

that make Free to do somthing that can workwith in all day.

Free in extreme focus on something look Alive

and now doing somthing to keep Alive

be alive

this color look like somthing soft

like softcream

will try change whole color soon

see you


bright color

new color set here

still look less light

this pink is same shade of blue

because hardware limit that blue cannot more light

pink can be more light but Tale think maybe keep it this shade

this shade canbe same shade of blue that Free like it

or keep all tone of this site down?

Free like blue and red

and soft color set

That lastly girl from last post

Free be happy with

give your meaningless drawing for your teamate

see how they happy

with meaningless gift



color set

Free take some hour of drawing

how good?

Free use same color set for Tale site

but Tale draw with color set for sticker look lose some saturation not same lastly

but if need much saturation will lose luminosity

may need more change for set

but on Free's drawing Tale much like it

What your color?