
Stay sweet

have you plan todo something in long term like a weight loss 10kg in 3 month? or at end of year start to cleanup

Tale have so, but mostly not miss if too long, Tale forgot about it easily. only one target that Tale sill do is draw 1 sticker per one week. and post this it short task consume only one or two hours a week for doing and have soft limit for Tale can do anytime before should start counting as new week (friday). Free got help for this in a long time.

recently week Free buy wrong because not carefully read spec of device, it's ok for use but not in full power that device have to be. hope it fine for next time.

are you careless for doing something? for large problem it not good to be but small item it fine to less inspect if you enjoy it!



Free got a huge feeling change in recently week from a bit small plan not reach target plan

Free try to start learning unreal engine, in fact that engine has a lot of feature and cannot learn in short time, must have dedicate time to work with.

this plan Free get idea a game that try to place on mobile device to try some feature.

hopfully this idea was fun Tale will help in my time.

an expression of Free can get a people wrong idea about emotion inside, and a lot of thing. once Free feel bad about something hit on life, Free will filter it out of way if can do, or throw it up even lost something good

and feel sad when lost that good thing.

are you want change to change selected way?


Live in the box <3

Comfy box for live is good thing, Tale like safe small place to live with.

Free play game a lot in recently week and late in bed time for finish game, make both of us time cycle wrong again.

but good that free finish another time consume one game and slowdown playing this game, may will change to play another one that not consume much time as this game. or place for more productive thing <3

place one box and spread a day inside box sure that feel good


moving up!

Free get more time per day, and that time will use for more flexible rest time that can catch up something if happen then.

while more time Free start to play Factorio and more with see another player and how to play that factory building game.

from farter away Free will not digging in game wiki or another player play, it look like spoiler, from now Free look a bit for pass some case starting by playing rogue-like gameplay that free hard to ties to.

Free not familiar with both rouge-like and card game, Free think too short and less, card game need to think too much about combo and rouge-like require long term planing guide is good for every glow.

glow wisely!


Too much caffeine

in this week Free has little sleep problem, wakeup at night and not sleep during days

maybe some sweet cola curse too much caffeine and made Free cannot sleep normaly

but still drink one for a day, maybe that not good time to drink but still drink,

feel little quickly rest time not enough for Free, mobile addictive Free has too much screen time from week like from start day to end of the day.

it better to keep screen time lowwer while sleep less,

hope to be fine

have you sleep enough? and activity for burning calories?

have a better night time :3



Free think a lot of time mismatch and position not for

how to find way for perfectly fit live keeping?

from time to time Free cannot keep live at fixed time for a long time, limit only half year of interesting plan before Free slowdown self and more all other plan

in this day in area has a political movement and both of us follow news from many sources and made some dispression a bit

not mean it bad, it good for everyone has right to talk, discussion is way for improve problem and get better solution

Free has a lot focus problem while sperate a lot of placement and organize work and this weekend it not recover

Free still place sleep problem again hopfully that recover soon

Tale miss stream for someday around today Tale draw one more doodle

Tale draw one random doodle, you can use as phone background if you want to :3


spacial light

Hard to be professsional way

Free leak of rest for little and slow down all non work time, take little rest time in week around 6-7 hour per week

that too much for Free to handle it

Free need to change resting habit hope that become good thing

Tale being change Free's model for streaming hope that good time but still need a bit environment in 3d for gift

I am not good in that, hope to build better scene soon

also this from last week PatMe!


Pat me

huge chaining effect day from past, Free may need day rest, but difficulty is Free never stop self from doing something

also Free not stop playing game, Free will try to stream game again in native language, hope it good for deal with.

Tale time more stable for this week, still late work but broke down entries lifespan, Tale adjust some time table for batter life,

keep saturday and sunday for drawing 3 in hour, to keep steaming rate to normal rate at 6 hour per week.

Free still adjust time table, and has less time then Tale, hopfully Free got day for break and living nuture.

how you adjust your time?



this sticker number 104 approximately 2 year from 1st sticker

after this week Tale got long weekend for resting

Free also got but keep from learning something that planed

making some little game

Free miss a lot time table for many week hope it good too,

Free wanna try some game live again on native language but model not ready for that

Tale should plan a day for modeling :3


strategy game

once Free try to rest is play some game, but not real rest for Free it regulary normalize emotion from negative to nature emotion

but still not good enough for fighting next thing also from missing time table made more dispress and stack to list

Free have energy store for half year working and now it time, likely to change a bit role generally try something with safe place besign

Free got a lot time consume task and game

no time left to try newthing

good thing Free finish to play one game today meanwhile next time it has little space for another task or talking with self for restore mine from another work

have you has a perfectly fit work? hope you found one



Free got wrong life balance stability

from a long way past Free got a lot of pressure but reduce down

No time even rest a bit day and sleep well

how hard it come with

also this is first time Tale write diary after past day of time from site is down a day

and still Free help for recover site from yesterday

Free do a lot of hard task for me

hope rest enough for recover time

have you think you rest enough? see you soon~


satisfy satisfactory

recently week Free hard working exceed working time limit and enter danger state of balance

so Free play harder game that good to see Free addicting game name satisfactory, that good name and also look at Free got satis factory emotion while building automation progress

this time Tale finish more full art other then sticker, this week tale mostly not stream art but now it finish and I can start more art~

or back to Free's modeling.

hope you comfy~



Tale has lowwer productivity on recently week, has a lot of Todo list to catch up

Tale feel no relex time in past week

Free come home late in this week late till miss last train, that first time Free late a lot for working hour

Tale think free has lost of productive and it stackup due no rest time

Should tale be stop playing game with Free at late night?

Free is type of people who cannot stop doing something but best rest for Free is not doing anything, just sit in floor and look at sky, think a lot and cry.

Free will better soon

Tale will lookup and support in time!


time restart

Tale start stream only 2 times in this week maybe because of Free came back late this while week

maybe nice to help for Free back in normal time a day, Free's freetale sperate to two part of day

that made wrong time cycle that not good foreach day

Tale being wrong while priority adjustment for relax time too much for this week

is good to stop working while year for doing something?

have you tries for that

or eascape normal life?

how long when you boring new life and need to made something happen



Tale take while week on mobile game addict and also working time consume my time a lot

Tale cannot keep stream art for this week, has little time left for mobile game, and tale not continue made one

Tale wanna trying to made but only little progress on game, maybe Tale need to help to create more game concept more clear and interesting

Free has a other hard week limit by daily quest box at night Tale wannot to made Tale's personality wish

Tale's pen use for drawing has stablity issue this week, It's 4 year old now but Tale think it not good time for replacement since Free wishlist not fullfill yet.

Free still add for wishlist and will buy if this one broke or any interesting part found for upgrade.

Free change a lot from last week, maybe sleepless at night

has a leak of sleep?

make sure you stay comfy


bloodly line~

Free pass blood donation in recently week, Free say it hard time to see

Tale cannot donate due Health issue

more little thing this week is not stable Free got wrong positioning while talking in working space

Free is type talk a lot and little sound attack other one, made feeling guilty foreach time that happen, and happen a lot of time

Free is hard to deal with people outside safe space and try new thing if not interest for that time and fear of new thing come,

nice to say Free will try if Tale wanna do something and get fualt with problem

Free lost time table for this week and little health issue, Tale will help to get better soon



Free got little weekend vacation and still confuse about how to use this time

Free is one not to healing but go outside but will go by self sometimes and extream fear for new human contact

the new one Free has little time for try multiplayer game for healing self.

and keep knowleage for Tale's game too

a good looking at Free while making something and ignore the world

it charmming face for all everyone who dedicate at their love

Tale wanna made it glowing and glowing

also in vacation Free will try first blood donation if can do, like a bank for blood for everyone that to use

has you ever tried for donate something, is good for life?


little hope

in first day, Tale ruin Free's time a lot

Free gone wrong sleep and wake up time, that made lost of time wrong

Tale start design progress about monster and found what wrong with my task list

Tale have a lot of task in art progress of game while Free has task in game development

and all task not time limit due both have time in only weekend but of spread while weekend is a lot of tries

at least Tale doing stream 4 time a week for doing this game

and may Tale must have a todolist for us to work with

have you create a todo list, let's try with us <3



Tale starting little monster design but while thing Tale made this week still grid design

Tale found little mistake when start of this week made confustion of Free's account and Tale's account

and made Free feel attacking on social media, that from Tale talk a lot of realtime infomation

it's Free hard problem to solve to deal with online infomation and made possible accept infomation spread

Free little strictly closely to reallife infomation

Tale open new pixiv account and will post little old work that

you can follow up here or my twitter on release artwork or twitch for in progress artwork

are you think you need too much protected infomation?


broken thing~

Free got a little accident while fix something and made little wrong broken item

too many accident this week and wrong thing made Free feel bad,

this not good to have clear mine

and not good for living

if Free can move to sound resistance room it would be better.

where are best place for you?

hope you have a nice time.


nice time

from this past week

Free have time to start building prototype of Tale's game design

may need a little time to made prototype but nice to see Free has thing to do

little time consume project but Tale be Free can handle it

it will slow progresss and Tale will support every art type

Free aslo got long weekend that mean more rest time for Free

have a nice day everyone!


Running in high velocity

Free run against time attack, make Free little tried,

Free like trying new thing in high speed made no other thing to be

Tale can help only support little thing around whole Free start to learn

Free still stop todo everyting once that thing is finish

so mean no process on Tale game this week, Tale may try to made Free character design or game design for handle this game

made it be,

have a nice day


shooting star

Free has recover from lot of fail in last week.

and Tale complete summoning status here is once rendered frame~

Free start to build little game name shooting star with Tale

Take a little time together

Free may not stream progress and slowly

for now Free has a little time in weekend for development and healing

Tale must help to support

let's build the dream

are you dream? build it together


a little light

Free being cry

about doing wrong thing in wrong place

like a need some space in weekend

hope to be batter soon

Tale try on blener perticle look amazing tool for made in glow

has more and more time to create summoning effect for twitch live

and for fun

see you again


everlasting fire Tloating Planet

little fire lit in floating planet

fire start from more than 100 season and keep lit by villager fill fuel everyday

after water level rise villager lift base of campfire

around camp fire has place for all villager hangout after light out

mostly fill by Minsta as fuel source

while rainy fire lit lower light and after rain fire while lightback again

fire is center and fastival place

everyone can showup here after all lightout and little play

this fire not come with religion thing is sign of village unite


work from home

from this week Free start work from home

hard time to made restplace to workplace and may curse lowwer productive

and one more Free use work to force going out to see some other, with this only place Free movearound is bed, kitchen and rest room, need more excercise?

stay safe, see you again