
fall Accident

Free try to upgrade os version lastday

very prepare but faill to keep original config

not to much lost mainly important data locate in another disk but take some time to install programs and setting

Tale lost all palette that why this sticker color look change

Tale try to generate new palette may site color change a bit

Tale will look for cute one palette

see you


single look

while Tale can draw and look good enough

Tale may have draw more detail if have time

Tale keep rapidly thinking on focus drawing thing

if no problem sight Tale can keep up more from last draw little and little

sometime from overall

may look not good at some pass

Tale will try draw that pass on paper with depth that can imagine on 3d space

Tale never do best

Tale do better from last one.


drawing fur

fur drawing little hard in 2d drawing

for make feeling soft

long fur that hide out real body flow down by gravity move by wind glow by electricity

real fur not look vary soft

2d fur hard to be soft

3d fur Tale cannot config for it look soft

soft fur is good

anyone have fur?

be soft thing


life light

what is life

why alive

someone say must find reason to be alive

what if have no reason to be alive

how important?

Tale don't think be important to find

if you feel enough

will be enough



newly color style look softly

Free discover while drawing in low resolution

look cute

Tale draw in style today

not too much time spread not look too cute as Free while spread many hours for single character

are you draw cute one today?

try one your faverite style



how cute are you

cute define on personal favorite

lot of details

a bit little design and enviroment has support 'cute' definition

may see many of thing 'cute' but no one perfect

Free like some oversize props on design

look not too much detail

clean enough but sometime Free not care about this

but not limitless for sizing

Free has limit for simple physics that can be exist

if look cannot be exist even fantasy world. not interest for at point

no design perfect for every single one

do at you like



Free not too strong

Free moving slowly on this time

for weak time

but still go forward to target thing

hope your dream so

dream away Alive!


moving together

Free moving

with a bit length

still moving with all strength

very slow

if still going

collect some waypoint

going that direction


Less productivity

Free look less productivity lately

may have something in enviroment

bit more negative on daylight

how to heal

movement to slow

anyway to do

are tired?


forward direction

did you move foeward directly to target of your life

Free can do sometime

when Free not feel alone and negative too much

Can support for many fail while tries

and never tired

for now Free look tired too much

hope better soon


Sweetroot Floating planet

sweetroot origin found in underwater in slow waterflow river

after floating sweetroot not move a lot

need clearwater flowing to glow

sweetroot glow underground forward to upstream in straight line

each part length around half villager height

at end of each part glow 2 blue large leaf

and transform to grean while fully glow

to harvest

find green leaf and digging downstream mud by hand

will found eatable root here

cleanout mud from root and ready to eat

sweetroot glow bit red when ready to harvest


Axis Floating planet

Axis system in floating planet define from neture

sunrise axis lookback for sunset axis as base of all axis

when lookat sunrise on leftside be deepwater axis

if move forward to deepwater axis by follow river by boat will escape form village

rightside of sunrise can walk along river with walkway will found root of waterway that use for every house

this axis call hightwater side

if lookup to sky basicly it sky axis

last axis for floor to stand call floor axis


Sleep leak

Free not less sleep for a bit

but look sleepy all day.

don't sure why

may be need time for more

or manage time not good

handle some emotion better



checklist is good for know what doing now

but need to keep it private to be sure no one know what need todo

Tale remember some checklist doing for weeekly like post this page

even nothing to say

even bad emotion you may see at text or even sticker draw quickly before post

Tale not good to talk with no topic or to someone don't know

but Tale keep to maintains this site

before no thing complete

it little but keep Tale living

are you have little thing todo


stay empty

in day need sometime

stay nothing

for long time

base on negative emotional

stay in safe place

where safe place?


favorite tranportation

Free really like train

Free tell most stable tranportation basic in game if manage perfect train network

on OpenTTD Free build train network on map

much interesting when transport network connect to each other

how people move from somewhere to somewhere in time analyze for build transoport network for better movement

sometime Tale cannot follow up

what your favorite

no best thing here

connect together select best for target movement


too long task

being work with too long task

this task take time for long and not finish for week

expect for only one or two day

not fully work now

and leak of sleep

not limit time task but too out of focus

may should stop task for a while?


know the limit

Free continue working on Tale site for support wish

too much time, Tale looking back somtime

that very limit to develop

hard to design from limitation

Tale must know when to display, time to load what to do on fail

fail capture that forgot mostly.

designer don't know much where can fail.

developer know where but don't know how to stop

Tale see how Free work, for know when to be

Easier if know how Free doing.

how you doing about Tale?



Listening music good for rest

best thing

Tale and Free same taste as song

not good to sing but sometime we sing together

at rest of day.

note' Tale change base color of site a bit.

Free updating site for more game supported

it take a long time.


drawing for friend

drawing last day for friend

Tale not good at talking to other

hard to keep friend

and no need to lost anyone

are you have close friend

no one can replace

now Tale know why entertainer require so much

hope you have your idol


Focus task

not hard to focus task doing if less problem


What should Tale do about this

maybe have target

and time to do it

and bit power

hp from healer

this post will back to time should be

Tale forgot a lot of thing

only one task for Tale

talking with you every week

see ya


mana potion

are you have a personal healer

will heal you while you need

even you don't know you need

but healer require some mana for heal

if have some give one to your healer when need it

even don't know mana gone

before fuel left and cannot support anymore


fuwafuwa gloves

what orange one for Tale

and somewhere to wear

with only Free can see

some private place

and private time for stay

are you have safe place?

hope you find some


Escape Floating Planet

many villager try to move out village while floating

one way know to go outside is underwater river

when sail down the river until vilage reach off eye view

river will wider and water more deeper

while cannot see under water river anymore look at front

will see destination here

but when come from outside mustknow village is true not a tale

while sailing at all of water in eye distance

will smell Minsta Flower even on sunlight

follow smell

not too long

will see underwater river

will know don't lost in see

and reach village at next moring

sometime lost ship goto village

with empty supplies

villager will give some supplies and destination

while ship go outside

at sometime will comeback to thank for help

with any excite story , funny item for villager that not go outside


long story

following novel ended

writer have enough brave to publish novel writen and finish on nearly weekly novel in a year

and say thank for following since first episode

Free follow from around episode 10

Free say 'feeling kirakira while writer say thank with full emotion inside text'

writer will re-write that novel for one day

waiting for

can you feeling emotion on any art?

like illustration video or even text typing on computer

and make you feeling together with writer

like Free



long time missing

mind conflict this week

about where should live

not best now

anyone should have work like to do

that best thing

but sometime less choice and that chioce not best

Free avoid air pollution but favorite job mostly in town

with air pollution

but workplace onside town too less

where should go?

Tale missing art cover a long time

and Floating Planet too