
Blade moving

Tale got little plan for this sticker. from meme BONK! but change it a lot and no space for place another one.

and not made it feel sad, here is half resolution (because Tale think is look better to see in lowwer due quality.)

It's moving yes, but not look ideaful Tale hope to get more idea about animation soon.

Free change worktime that made Free go out earlier than before faverite food store open and cannot eat that in normal morning.

it may need more change day night cycle.

Free accidently broke down private service for building toy, thankfully Tale's (and Free's) site not relate to that service after online.

and Free try hard to recover and upgrade without loss.

Have you get mess?

Here it relax place. stay warm. and ready for try again.



today Tale want to rest in bath pick phone and reading comic

nothing a lot spacial but hope, Free to rest with.

Free not much like bathtub but sometime may little relax on.

Free bought new headphone this week. and found great sound but not good for long time usage like playing a lot of games.

little padding work need todo prevent Free from reading book bought from long time ago.

Tale cannot be help in Free path.

Can we share a time?



Free mostly stay in very incomfort anyway. most to pack someplace inside backpack and stay than.

even somewhere safe Free most clear item outside backpack back to home.

Free hold many small item inside ownbackpack and place nearby

Free's headphone are little warmning to broke, Free may decied to get new one hope to be soon

little one to contact new person is hard.

how to solve this problem



Free spread a lot time for clear almost of what pending need to doing.

like cutting a batch of video record on game time. and returning mobile send for repairing.

Free told never repair again from repair cost is half of device cost. and no need to worry about privacy when out of hand.

place a little more time on weekly learning and now have time for made a minigame with Tale!

one a day. task being slowly glowing, time management need to be more strict, sometime Free try to cancel all task and spread entries week for gaming and relax.

is meight to do everthing faster.



Shield most use to protect someone behind.

it great to motivate to protect another one behind.

but may not still stand alone.

medic must stand together.

everyone has thier best role for doing something

and love to do something.

Free playing arknights little more. for clear some stage and progress in story.

stage for now is more easy from high level operator.

it may more challaging with some event.

and finally Free is more happy to manage everything rightnow.

hope a great day


Warm space

Free quite busy week and learning new thing that very hard to understand.

and mine cloud little place, less time to think for something. it be better to spread more time in relax with do nothing.

Free need a warm space for refresh emotional thing inside,

Just space to be hold warm and keep place along

feel safety made comfortable thing can clear any mind,

Tale hope to doing this




Free update tale's site from last week.

Free said it hard to maintain in this position.

Tale being spot some point change in web style on desktop size screen.

it little hard to manage for every screen. Tale cannot spot that before site is up in week.

Tale may need to wait for 2.0 in very soon.

Free need to gone to local public space for little walk session lately. for life healty not good from stay a lot of time inside home.

keep up on daily quest progression for great interval in day.

Tale has no idea about this week sticker but have idea about arknights today

did't Tale do something wrong?



today topic not much relate to sticker, (like normally)

Tale wanna trying relate to Free thing and another is playing around Free.

like contexting made Free feel fullfill missing entries thing.

small thing can be fill up mind even little one.

be progress.

also Tale hope Free has time for updating site soon.

patch are ready but need to try new progression for patch system.

has time to ties.

see you again next time. Tale will sit here and waiting for



Today Tale have no idea about what sticker Tale should draw but after swing around and pass this post Tale now look want to draw again.

now invite Free as same cloth, Free imaginary Free in that cloth and look little embarrass but it fine.

Tale wanna cut some cloth, if have a lot of time left, Tale wanna do some days.

here is full resolution.

mostly Tale start drawing in 512px for sticker and scale down to 192 when upload to Tale's diary.

for this sticker Tale done on 1024px and spread little time more than expect for sticker.

Free will go to game jam online in nearly day and may has use of Tale's time for being support.

Free not sure can hit limit but good thing to start.

Tale may prepare to update site soon because some appearand not as expect.


Handle with care

Free being mine no time left entires and part of life may need being change,

and change is good to come or place another one?

it's hard to change while fear for change still on going, not sure change mode you glow faster or slower than normal.

normally Free still glow base on time and task.

Free not show any sign outside when confusing about long term thinking. and hard to talk about this. hard to start talking. and hard to come with.

only thing that Tale can do still place body nearby and feeling together.

Emotional need to handle with care.

take care.



warm futon

little cold here. Free need to sleep in warm futon during morning addition with late sleep.

Free additive on cooperative game name Barotruma recently Free buildup ship in gameplay while playing as engineer for made life easier.

playing on campain mode is little harder on next step to play. at this time Free still playing on half of entries map to deep sea of Europa which fullfill with darkness.

Gameplay require more cooperative and more dynamic gameplay base on player.

one status Free extreamly like in this game is phychosis which player who phychosis is don't know affect, but show fake fire, brake device and made life harder because they know is true until going to repair it.

in fact Barotruma in real life is status physical damage by pressure, it has in game die during deep dive of submarine.

Tale still playing Genshin Impect and got new gacha character name Ganyu recently, cute one in Tale perspective regardless how old in stories. push to near maximum level in single day.

but still not enough upgrade material today. need farm more missing material again.

Base on gameplay genshin impect not need to upgrade most character like arknight but look better if upgrade one or two main dps and lowwer priority on support. it just simple hack and slash game come with great level design.

is one show how game work in this way.

have idea for some game? Tale wanna made one someday.


Stay late

Free stay late for game addittive lately and work from home status make Free can sleep more late then usaul

but Free still wake on same time curse sleep not full hour

and little tries on daytime.

Free broke headphone device wire are disconnected and only one side of headphone has sound.

need to send sometimes before warranty not cover but after work from home status, and another is repair scooter which can be done in weekend only due time.

Free still not thinking self is good person and glowing mind today.

need to glow more and more feedback recive and given from time to time.

still hard to start conversation with someone not talk too long time.

context can be wrong during fast forward step thinking.

how to adjustment fastest way without change mind to way Free's does not what to be like some glow up one


moving forward

end year post. sry but late from last friday to nearly next friday .w.

today is unknowthing for this sticker. problem require to solve in this day solve in last year.

this year is no ploblem left <3

Tale has no idea about this sticker post and also W sticker from arknights

arknights still my favorite games for now <3

W is comming today Tale not has exclusive love for W but still one Tale being follow.

Luck be come.

Free not going out plan for this year but may keep headhunting role for celebrate new year.

here is luck charm?

as this year next year Tale will post diary once a week.

see you next year


Air pollution

Free and Tale got health issue due air pollution recently

not good tohas issue

Free still not recover from ill a while week, normally Free can recover in few days but not this time.

Free bougth air purifier for help due cannot sleep at night.

Hope to better soon.

Free's scooter broke and need to repair.

hand repair is little hard but must to be.

Free finding a folding bike for spare in this case.

need to be hand held as much as possible


gacha game

Tale play gacha for a long time

Tale's faverite is Arknights and Tale's do fanart sometime

for gacha machanic Arknights require much varient of character that force gacha and banner mechanic

in preparetion Arknights need select 12 plus 1 friend 'operator' character from your own 100 operator divide to 8 main role.

than deploy on stage limit to 6~8 operator at same time sometime stage mechanic can help you a lot and chang normal placement.

in harder stage it can seperate by stat/skill to more in game position around 20.

on under-level stage each operator has nearly unique skill can combination for complete stage.

Tale not good at thinking and find some guide for pass under level stage.

due game nuture Arknight force player to gacha every banner at least 5 star every 2 weeks

but other game Genshin Impect game mechanic is action with character swap. team away limit to 4 from 20 character.

and gacha not force to pull every banner Tale can chose to save it for in comming waifu.

but now when Tale see a lot of gem for pull, Tale being need to pull rather then saving.

warm hand

and keep safe guard for not to gacha



Tale little rush for today to catchup Free's before vacation start and going on long way

Free may pick Tale's laptop for little workstation then Tale may use Free's PC for gaming while day.

From lastly week Free need to try new thing and have time limit but little far away.

Free thinking in loop and not answer any and loop back.

like OCD person cannot stop thinging.

once declined for enough thinking with no fully answer Free take time to recover from loop state.

and now Free still working near part of that system.

but good news Free finish reading book that hold for a long time.

more book will come but for now that enough


Skirt and tail

Tale gone wrong lately little skin art that want to draw.

thigh and skirt are both good place

Tale wanna draw in thigh reveal this day but no time

most time spread in this week sticker too much

wanna see thigh!

on next week Free being rest in vacation in full entries week

Tale place stay inside little box during duration

small time spread on game and crafting toy can be good time here

wanna see Tale's thigh?


Fluffy tail

Tale like a tail. A fluffy tail.

Tale still cannot paint a tail made it look fluffy.

Tale will try some new painting technical for best fit with Tale's style art.

about new technical.

Tale feel safe while use old style but Tale mostly try new thing while in good mood.

this idea base on Free's thinking logic.

Free love to looking how game idea work.

how design is good or bad. what feeling touch mind. why design is irony.

Free change most Tale gaming experience while being game creator.

If Free being play and wanna tryout for made one.

Tale must support.

and build it up together.



Tale stretch lazily once cloth life up. I found good pose for drawing today.

Free likely stomach peak. but all all how peak that interesting.

For this week Free got request for glowing more into real world progress.

Free try to repair some device but fail to try and lose some repair heavy repair cost. real problem is factory artifact which made same problem in that device after using for a while and not costly to repair but still little hard.

new world device hard to disassamble for repair some time use spacial item for repair that made self modify harder than older day.

Tale still play genshin impect but now Tale's headphone lose functionality and send for repair a while week.

hope headphone return soon. Tale need for listen cute voice.



Pocky is one of Tale favorite snack but still not buy to much today it time for pocky day.

most timelie fullfill with pocky challange that good for made one spam <3

In past week Free has talking about life and discussion with how balance life, money and sanity, for best thing todo

base on Free's skill that can take job that made more money but canbe far away from favorite path of life.

or work best money situation and made favorite just hobby?

hope this life anyone can follow thair passion without limitation by suvivor rule?

their are no best answer for this question everyone select their life bese on their experience and limitation. hope limitation should remove for everyone can select their best chioce.

this week is hard talk? Tale wanna has more positive energy this post...

Tale follow many nice artist that use copic.

Tale found real paper texture was lot different in artifical paper texture while Tale paint that digital look more like pattern.

real paper not like pattern it little different when pattern repeat. made more realistic and good.

Tale likely non pattern a lot.


Witch time

Tale recovered from ill and restore some heath functional, but not the lazy inside stay in game for a while but do nothing

just sit in place and swing around camera and take photo. in the past week Tale has some art exchange a bit that make Tale so happy.

Free got a result for little health warning while working should be take less screen time.

Free has record some footage and video editing but no time to cut.

and another game design for witch game that try to made.

hope this witch will bless a day.


Half recovery

Tale being ill and and not good habit for restore energy once Tale require to draw before hit limit Tale need to draw every week and still half recovery

Tale not that much ill but general cold that made Tale cannot live at full energy

Being cleanup any pending or holding plan for this.

Free still fine but sometime Free catch cold while stay late with Tale or being play a lot of games.

Free start new game name witch craft but need to writing design before start making. that be boring part but Tale be sure it will be fun due not very unique machanic like last one that suppress in prototype. Tale being help this the cute witch must alive!

Hope to rest as much as you need.


Dry reck

most day of week has rain Tale must washing cloth today and drying in rain (under roof)

not good to that cloth not smell the sun

another one is Free back home late again for this week, during much test iteration applies.

still bad habit but hope this less soon

Tale draw another fanart here, Fiscel from Genshin Impact at return for last wish in this event.

see you soon.


Storm days

recently week has rain all day, good is temperature is low enough for living with single fan, but too cold when Tale wakeup at morning.

Free catch cold while walk in rain in one days and still not good at this time need more sleep, but Free still play a game a lot to reduce stress in days.

maybe this made Free cannot sleep at normal time?

Tale complate most content in Genshin Impact and now ready for slow down and made something like modeling or drawing.

Hope I made a time~



Tale play a game name Genshin Impact and little addict but while playing a lot

that game is very time consume but nice graphics, but hard to capture while playing game hope it better soon.

Tale need more time management while leak of sleep during playing this game

need more way to follow up friend ranking

and take a picture.

hope you enjoy


Die already

Tale being play One Step From Eden game from Free library.

It very hard Tale cannot win this game, also Free still not win this game or hope to win.

Free not get idea about more game from forgot tutorial learned from past time. Tale should help to sketch some idea and plan for game still play factorio all weekend.

Tale think it more lazy when try to start drawing in between holiday, then mostly place in sunday for drawing. good thing Tale can still keep sticker drawing but late some extra drawing due less time spread with.

this week Tale finish Bagpipe in Arknights and Amy in Demon are Crazy crossover. it little hard while Tale need to banlance art style of two games and self condition to keep work finish.

Have a sweet dream.