

long time missing

mind conflict this week

about where should live

not best now

anyone should have work like to do

that best thing

but sometime less choice and that chioce not best

Free avoid air pollution but favorite job mostly in town

with air pollution

but workplace onside town too less

where should go?

Tale missing art cover a long time

and Floating Planet too


Flower for you

this blue flower

is fresh in short time

around 3 hour

human try to extend time for flower

hold water inside for longer time

but flower alway gone in shot time

before turn to rot

and throw to trash

but flower beautiful in mind

keep it in book


for remember that flower forever

and who give that flower


need chocolate

nearly finish last work for now

Tale do something bad a lot while hard working

and sometime

Tale no need to work anymore

want to play a lot

chatting in game

healing Tale from anything

and sweet taste can do it a little

are you need chocolate

take a half


no more energy

no energy for working talking

while talking to someone

Tale will healing

just chatter in game

but sometime see some toxic

and hard to escape

make Tale feeling down


Tale still need chatter in game for healing from real world

make someplace can healing from sad




Tale feel lonely

Tale do more work to keep feeling better

but sometime not good at all

login to game and stay a while in noviceground

for talking to someone that walking around

sometime may hurt some know person

and never know how keep feeling back

Tale don't need to hurt anyone

but do it from time to time

how to stop this

how to keep positive feeling to each other


Season Floating Planet

in floating planet

season interval around 180 days

first day of year count from first rain in full moon night

before village flood

some bug response on first rain and fly up in night

glow light iluminate on night sky

after villgae flood

bug only come from non-flood area

rainy around 5 - 12 day interval only first

and past of 60 day rain will change to storm

around 3 days and stop for 3 days interval

flood start here every year

after flood

become colder weater but not very cold inside house

rain drop sometimes here

and will stop in around 50 days

temperature up warmmer very fast to hotest in year

utill first rain come


Drinking water Floating Planet

on floating planet

need drinking water from underwater river

everywhere is water

but not all water clean enough for drinking

and waste

all waste mix with soil for planting Minsta

but not all waste can collect successfuly

even walking can make mixture of soil

water around village cannot use for drinking

drinking water come from head of underwater river not so far from village

and transfer by waterway made from Minsta

use terbine of transfer water from river to waterway

waterway past most house and still constract for everyone

if need for drinking water

get glass to nearby waterway

move 1 section of waterway out and wait for water

don't forgot to return section for keep waterway flow to lasted house


stay posititive to other

how to stay positive feedback to other?

need much slowdown thinking?

easier in text chat but still hard if mine don't think so

it sin

hard to remove it

and must remove it

positive feedback will response positive too.

sorry about this week Floating Planet

Tale will update in few day



Free has freetime for now

and addict very long novel and new short chapter everyday

how long to read to last chapter?

last week Tale need to change color of sticker but fail

bacuse color convertion limit

not cannot set beautiful enough color list

may need to change bit more value

if this week has time

floating planet will see next post


not expect complete target

still not braving for first time contect

and this week more work and fail at software problem

work not complete at target point

and take too much time here

need batter software but very expensive to pay

so I need?

how to past this lifetime?


this sticker look bit older than normal?

Tale may change base color for this site a bit step color in sticker.


how to adjust work - life

how to keep working and life balance?

and keep personal work progress.

fixed hour for work or flexible work hour.

no best choice

base on personal power?


Emotion Problem

everyone has problem even same or not.

response of problem base on emotion and persanal experience.

which best choice to fight aginst problem? no one know

only know choice selected and cannot go down to exactly same choice see at first time

but still work fine for some problem.

Tale think for best way solve problem

see problem

know it problem

know how problem

try to solve it

but sometime know how to do it but cannot do it.

bacause of not brave enough for do it.

how to brave?

it problem.


look fuwafuwa

Free look smiling for long day

and made something that work for long time

look nice



New Year

late post.

bit lonely year no game to count this year

dramatic dream in night

on past year so hard


can focus anything will do for following day

and dream connect past night


Minsta. Floating planet

Minsta glass type plant.

main wood source of village

minsta can glow in many soil if water source avalible but not floating.

has strong root under any glowing truak.

each glowing tall 4-5 villager hight, glowing to flower teller for 1 villager.

leaf glow only top of trunk.

glow start from seed or any piece of trunk to underground.

Minsta glow 1 hand length underground around 2 season

after that Minsta start prepare to glow over ground  but stay underground and wait for rain if too dry.

after rain trunk grow fast from underground can grow in 7 day from rain to base height.

on glowing to base height Minsta look same

leaf trunk glow top to 1 villager height and bloom 3 stalk.

rare trunk grow to 4 stalk believe as fortune trunk mark not use for that trunk

vary rare grow to 5 stalk believe as star fortune if glowing 5 stalk to organize feastival in next full moon night.

flower trunk grow to fat

after fully grow in night when moon light shine

top glowing bloom inside stalk grow more tall over all leaf and bloom under moonlight.

flower illuminate under moon light.

and when sunsise petal drop to ground.

fruit glowing in half season in hard shell before broke

small seed inside and sweet for bird

after seed appear Minsta will die all trunk in same root.

villager cut all root connect to flower trunk to stop.


leak of sleep

leak of sleep

sick in last day but still play game.

Tale will clear mostly work

and will update floating planet in this week




MMO game addict.

like in game talking

without know another player

game has target mission can hold party member talk together for complete mission

has reward

if fail, basicly thing and try again.

how to design game that connect player together.

even stay at town, can see more player.


more dream

hard to awake in morning.

on half awake has dream.

mostly non-good non-bad dream just like story or novel that free from real world logic.

as story, Tale need to read more but dream stop when awake

and will forgot half of story.

Tale try to sleep more to recive more story.

sometime story continue from last

but mostly story will breakdown to something that not continue from last story.

need to read imaginary.

like in fantasy world



All hard work done.

Free look happy.

Hopefuly life happy as this day

not only for Free.

you too



Free past hard work

it's finish

hope Tale can see Free in deep sleep tonight.


Human emotional

a bit hard to communication while feeling down.

Free not good at communicate to other. Tale too.

but Free try to talking to any person and sometime make other feeling bad.

Free try to hide emotion from any person.

it good or bad.

never know it.

hard to keep happy for all time,

as growing up it getting harder and harder.

any grow up here?

how you keep feeling happy?

or you are not?


Wrong way?

What is wrong?

Which way is good?

no way not contain sad emotion?

only good way just play game a bit

but cannot do

feeling fully happy without sad feel

bit more second

can be?


history. Floating planet

this village build on flat land

but water in river raise a little bit year by year.

first think just flood on rainny season. but past 4 year water everywhere.

many plant die. main food source of village include in that

someone leave from village but more stay here.

by build small dam around planting area to keep food. and build house lift it from ground.

but water still raise

many villager leave in next year.

only 37 left in village. they lift everthing up the ground. include walkway and fake fake ground for planting food source

but too late.

they save only 3 spice from 12 spice and they lost main food source, it cannot fully glow on fake ground.

new food source can glow while flooding just grass near river while fully glow root can eat. before use in snake making. but now use for keep village alive.

by that grass must glow over water. flood cannot make grass die but will stop glowing.

they need to glow on fake ground before move down to under water.

new grass farm don't keep grass from fake ground.

build floating area with less soil on move to under water remove rope and place tham under water.



think about samething deeply just feel good. but if no pencil and paper it's can be forgot very easy.

and not all time pencil and paper avalible.

outside so bad.


Sad day

Less thing need to do.

not has any large problem this week but still down.

little bit work.

maybe Tale will update floating planet sometime.


Hard week

Free's back late every day.

lot of work that fail found this week.

someone can give HP potion?

Free need more positive enegy.

How about you.

can you talk

about game making? do it together Free will live stream Full Project of game making someday.

if you have any idea response here.

Free will see all your comment.