

This also stockpile sticker today. The last one but surely Tale want to draw like this even not stockpile.

Tale try a bit AI generated illustration but not satisfy result yet.

As tool they work seem to be good but the concern about AI is the data to train most likely to be unconsent by creator.

by this way Tale will not post any AI generate or assist with base on that data.

unless Free train base on Tale's art at first place.

Also Tale being plan for 3d again...

With some existing design work as fanart may look better because it already strongly design may made it eaiser.

but it take time.

let's try


seaside bed

Tale completedly forgot to post this before Free's vacation start. This one draw as stockpile just not yet release

Today is the last day Free notice the post not yet released so Tale just back

Free like to sit nearby sea, listen to voice of the sea.

But due hikimori like so Free still not go to the sea many times.

Maybe Free need to relex sometimes



Tale still confuse but want to put this sticker alive what ever they goes,

Free clear out most game and toy out there but not sure what to relax and still not fully rest with some reason

so we both leak of sleep even midnight gaming not be happen in this week

so Tale go rest first

take care



Free a bit boring when start of weekend then, start playing Dyson Sphere Program in last week

and the weekend gone Free can't finish the blogpost even draft have done

but yes today sticker come from DSP where drone is most use transport in DSP, basicly Free not much like drone in other game due hard to predict demand/supply of it but DSP a bit feel better when use drone due drone have large carry space and it must use for inter-planetary transport (Free like scifi theme game a lot) after few hours of playing Free say it's a bit easy to build

maybe Free not hit the late game yet Tale hope Free will done it in few day

by the way DSP still in early access but Tale think it's almost done, so Free can feel the game finishing in few more day



random doggo drawing

even Free's avatar reference from wolf basicly also can be count as doggo?

Free still busy but done read novel around 1500 page done in few days not finish Free's blog post

but nevermind Free always spread a month on a quality post to hope everyone can be follow up the guide

Tale still see Free a bit better work quality for it

but the toy Tale try like unreal engine got abandon for a while and maybe more while due not fit for Tale art style after try some of it

Tale may run again in Blender for more customize but hope to have time in it first

want to not need to sleep so Tale can have more time on toy more



Free topup a bit hard on games that should not be problem if it not have money problem in nearly day

a bit hard day from Free purchase working item but credit card is cancelled few days ago

luckyly found a virtual card for use in a day

still looking for alternative, Free a bit fear about money management and don't want anything to go out of hand

it's hard day

Free might need to lower more game for a bit working hope it can be use soon

also this is Arknights the last game Free think to play in almost same rate as before

Cardigan work hard this event

but in different way



Tale still draw like a profile pic again maybe this a bit change

Free might be use this as avatar somewhere else along side

Free done 1 toy in queue but still other toy left

both of us trying Unreal Engine right now but not much time spread in it due lack of knowhow

Free being harvest knowledge from internet but must take time to tryout what is work or not

hopefully Tale will recreate floating planet there again



Tale randomly paint again a bit better than Tale think at first place.

this week, Free assemble new PC and trying unreal, when open unreal PC turn to heater in few minute might need to handle this thing for better life span both computer and user

after no more problem with Unreal Engine Tale will try to recreate somthing there in freetime

Free can't help much today as still new but we can learn together

and be better together



recently a new event collab between two games that Tale play, the song from Arknights in MuseDash

Tale not good at play game can't go master way in any game

but just enjoy is enough to play

play time doesn't matter if we enjoy the game

that Tale learn from Free

Free also not in good mood recently due stuck at payment site and made purchase another product that aim again

that made another component need to be change and take time to build up again but still in candidate list for building that good enough for it

and waiting for new one



Free just planning a new PC and become over budget

gpu is far more expensive then Free can expect in older day and hard to think Free will spread that amount of money for something, need to carefully plan about it

Oh about eyefold that Tale draw today, Free invent it at first time to just realise it not help much about sleep time

but it help a lot when wakeup due most time wakeup a bit late eyefold can protect us from sunlight in morning

We not a late wakeup much but still after morning light come

are you wakeup when morning light come?

are you enjoy the morning?

or just sleep in cofy bed like us


On the fire

Tale try out a bit simple in Unreal Engine for want to try out and realise that consume much power of Free's PC

and after some investigation Free might be try to upgrade PC in near future

most of Free's toy that work good enough for fulfill mind and skill

but Free need more to play it

and Tale will use it

just like this one

have a nice day


bunny (?)

this year is bunny year, the few character that free like most spacially design as bunny

Tale try to draw bunny this time but a bit not same feeling might need to try later

also Tale spread a bit time in new year weekend for draw somthing in skin tone and shading

it not bad but still not good enough but atleast it give an idea when coloring more few thing

Free also done a lot of toy setup and enjoy the rest

Free's toy become larger and larger again but it help a lot of learning progress

Tale want to try a new toy too, might a little update for flooding planet that miss a long time



Tale's site a bit have miss behaviour for clear saved one, but it not bad at all may need to be polish more when Free have a time

today Arknights update that game mode Tale can stacking operator over and over for more buff

that becoming

Tale take a bit time for it

Free feel ill but not want to sleep again, Free want to try new toy while playing a lot of game lately

Tale a bit worry about

and hope Free sleep well

have a good dream


today border

Free upgrade Tale's site already it just done today right before Tale start draw of this week.

you all may not notice differance unless footer bar has more text, but Tale see a bit internal change and more adjustment

also Tale's site is not good on mobile right now and Free will adjustment soon

and after Tale's site is done Free will move to made some other toy again

the Free's toy is much more like education one that most friend don't know why Free do it

Tale site also one of Free's toy among many toy pending or build

and Tale being one to play with

use it

and enjoy it



Tale and Free got blessing in recently week

just a feel moment of feeling at a bit time but the unexpected can made this week much more like better day in feeling

even a little moment

alright Tale site not finish yet but Free made done but still not pass the test Tale must wait a bit longer

Free moving plan work well and lower a bit gaming for working on toy in last week

a bit research take Free beyond the late night that now healthy

Tale will notice for better sleep time


to say goodnight



pencil draw on paper is that Free most like to draw and Tale remember many hour long on first try

Free like it due imperfect line leave when draw and erase over and over is a trace behind it

for digital pencil is not bad but still not fullfill the Free's enjoyment on drawing

by the way Free leave drawing for too long

Tale not mine and just leave to Tale to made it

due Free try a lot of toy and Tale follow to watch and learn from it

and being new thing for Tale enjoyment too


deadly week

Free very busy this week, but still manage to finish Tale site

after year past

but yet ready to use with Tale site due upload tool that Free use already broken

Tale will expect a lot of bug again but if for tale and upload higher quality sticker it good

Free also busy at work but not hard as expected and have time for Tale

and stay together



Free nearly done my site and hope testing will go well so Tale may use a renew site next mounth. maybe

and ready to improve sticker quality for Tale can draw a bit higher quality (Tale draw higher quality at first place but downscale for better match scale config)

and newer one may use higher, but old one stay same due Tale too lazy to update.

also Free pick a bit time from game todo someting other then gaming it good tobe but still cannot disconnect sns

hope Free take time on Free's site too



Tale wanna lean agist wall

and stay away from the world problems

push the wall and stop by

and doing nothing

Free will go in busy mode again, but hope for better clear up

Tale wanna finish early so, then is rush sticker today, but it look back like 1st one

feel nostalgia

and when look back around, Tale go so far

the past made the preset

experience and narrative

all it made together



basicly Free not spically like orange, mean orange color

but in very last game Free play in long time ago, with limited color and dye, orange is Free's faverite one among all color they have

and only few one dye orange color with it

in recent week Free dye from faverite blue to orange due little bored all wondering around to bright orange as the game allow

and found a good match with some outfit

and this time Tale wanna use that same color but why it outcome to brown?

Tale think Tale should try better base color more orange due Tale may not re-color again if starting color

and yea Free nearly finish Tale's site rework, it almost same function with better testing and upgradable (Free said) Tale will look forward for it



halloween is past but Tale not time at monday to fill it

Tale change style a bit to more downscale and still like it

but with this scale Tale gonna end drawing in few minute since low detail on it

Free got a bit emotion change when someone say some combat setup can overtake support role in game that play

Free know game is unbalance but support role still a thing if player not overpower enough

most people still want to play as dps since is give most credit in game, easier to understand how progression it be

support role is more complex due is must relative to team power

if team good at evade healer no need to much healing care

Free wanna try somegame with it and hope have time to done

it a plan but Free still not finish Tale site update yet

it may take time but no need to rush

Tale will support anything



Free like character with oversize weapon design and today Tale bring the hammer for

and gonna hit something

Free found a novel written by someone that put all design homework in likely details a lot on something but silently fill back story and not boring at all

Tale like to fill back one and remain Tale that old one, Floating planet that tale not write for a long time

and stopping due no time and skill to write it

by the way it still on hold and may or maynot back in the future

Tale still lack of sleep this week

and going to

and blessing time like

let's meet in our dream



Tale found some nice details recently most of Arknights operator have their own name card and unique design foreach one

Tale try to draw my own namecard not verygood but still not bad

and Free most love operator doesn't have a namecard maybe bacause of intern position

so Tale still try a team cloth for Free to see since it not late night today

Free always live to play more games, that is

and Play for another day



Free never get any limited character Tower of Fantasy, including the one Tale draw today

Tale gonna give hope and luck on drawing but still not good

maybe not have a very much time and dedication

but still nice to practice newly coloring

at first time Tale want to animate but after coloring phase, Tale think it cannot animate due preparation failed.

and decide to made a paint like one instead

and maybe reduce fanart a bit for common sticker break

also today Tale come at day time due it Free and Tale holiday

it nice to spread day off

and sleep



rainy today

rain not basicly not made Tale or Free sad, by the way Free more like rainy day then

water made feel fresh a bit

Free in game addict state, but still have a bit time for self improvement at this time

that mean Free practice a game, not study

maybe study a bit

Tale still get a bit of energy for practice too

when the time enough

Tale gonna lowwer social for more time

and run more try


blue suit

Tale finish coloring on this image

it done like magic while tale coloring without keep line

as now Tale feel like have a practice for done something little challange

just a bit challange, not much but if Tale can feel challange, it will have a bit improvement

Free always try challange on new thing when have time

like this Tale's site Free done in few days (but has a problem when start that take a bit longer time

like Tale draw everyweek in past few years and keepup

have you done some practice?

like a challange stage of the game?

try some, it small step but it keep better