

Free bring a wrong rest time adjustment recently Tale also lose timer

time adjustment not ruin but bacause wrong adjustment time

Tale found a low energy waste when start draw in late night, nor late timer

also not much good when start in weekday

Free a bit confuse in weekday work and need to be adjustment

a lot



once a few random topic that Free talk about fork

and Tale wanna put spaghetti in the side maybe Tale being hungry or something?

Free put a lot of afford during weekend on maintaining work, that a bit challanging task while system still maintain functionality

that made free lose rest time a lot

Free like to talk on random topic that maybe place on ocean, space, or random thing Free like space topic a lot and also problem solving while it weakness

do you know the weekness of yourself?

hardly to speak, keep it but just know what it is

that good enough.


cofy room

back to 4sqr room again Tale still not yet rebuild in blender

on recently Free try to look real small room, that bigger that this for live

and still feel "too small" to live in

that quite bacause that may not all space to live

by the way at the first design of 4sqr room design for living a day without life support

as today Tale not found room smaller than 24sqr in my local, a bit found smaller in online

but see good idea in moving room (in car) that small and still have good life support.

that idea is how much Tale can compress everthing for living in 4sqr with Free, 2 ppl with a few device for cofy place



Tale found a little cute dress acrossing recently mindless scrolling on shopping app, that now Tale realise that is a good reference for drawing, can mix anything there, imagine to put it on Free body

today sticker number is 265, is this five years from starting drawing?

Free think about "upgrade" Tale's site again, bring to activity pub and this weekly draw can read by any network not just Tale's site, for freely use of reader.

but this just hope and wish, it take time and afford to do hope it done in some day in future when Free have time to try



Free can't focus from work recently maybe novel addict too much

and lately Tale cleanup room a bit while bring new item from outside, just roll a lot of cable together and persist some cable

organize item always improve life both digital and physical, just take a lot of time and afford for it



just a rework today, Tale try to paint a bit more depth color, that like a bit more good, Tale try to setup a bit rock randomly in Blender to guide light that Tale don't skill a lot for that

Free still addict to novel but a bit adjust time while moving out from social network help a bit

this original bath in waterflow file name is onsen but this is setup base on tropical rain forest waterfall

how to stay comfy in tropical rain forest?



On the safe area Free like to be

remain useless for all day in safe zone is how Free rest,

it's take time to restore and thinking

on the recent day, Free got a new novel maybe, it's old one Free can't read due not written in native language and can't pass intro parse which story move slowly and drop before pass intro parse, now it's got translate into native language which Free can read faster, after pass intro parse, story go fast. Free still enjoy it, also this is might be longest novel Free ever read.

it can be enjoy longer time.

Free switch a bit time between toy, game and novel, need silently more time to being useless

that to be



as rainny season it's always rain at random point on most day

Tale always stay inside by default and take a random dose of internet

and today Tale take a random sticker as today

Free still force to relax parse til this day, with low energy to do with toy while leak of focus of anything

how stay focus is hard this era?

are we went wrong with internet?


view point

Tale lose a time counter. Today is unplanned late post with nothing to do.

no drawing for a while due device condition today just stockplie draw from few week ago.

Free found a random new music that seam good to play and look like it in the music game that free playing just need to wait a bit.

while Tale miss day counter

However Tale won't stop drawing and still continue with same counter as once a week.Same reset day. To keep up again



Tale almost forget this week diary.

Emotional thing happen lately both for Free and Tale where going.

place a empty day between.

Totally empty Free always put some work nor toy to play and hold anything by size



Free like a bit recovered as Free can live normally for a little longer

Free taking time to learn and discovering a few task to go a few game to play

at least Free just finish a game and taking a break from

but need more time to take care on dicision making of irl big problem, as Tale looking for more choice for better then normal one

Free still can't sit and rest time, hope to be stay relax for little longer

and made farer dicision time

economic is heavy duty



Free have few thing to thing about changing place.

trying to find for own territory and see what happen if factor is just us.

only us


dead rider

as Free play death stranding with a bit free time, that like movie watching rather then playing game (that good, Free always say Free can't watch long cut scene) seem like to be play more til boring sometime, also a bit side effect of being like movie, Free stay focus easier recently

Tale not sure what that can really happen but it's good to play more if have spare time

with enjoyable knowledge


that fish

this fish flow over internet recently Tale saw this fish flow in small wave many times but wave is much more then older one

or just flow across Tale's circle

Free become delivery man just recent day ago from free pick game that type Free never paid for

it's interesting like movie watching instead playing game

feel is not familar

maybe it's need time to watching more


Tell me what wrong

Free is learning, a life learning

it's not mean study Free don't like study at all alway boring to try anything without end goal

for a few game Free have play mostly care is what good. but for listening Free like to see what wrong.

everything can go wrong and it's not the end just watch and take a note on it.

a few piece of note build up experience and made up personality.

Tale need to think a long time while trying something new, fear of unknown thing.

but atleast Tale has one who try everything for.

and keep doing wrong, then try again.



Free randomly pick a cute game recently a cute style drawing Tale just try a bit

that not look familar but just try

Tale don't have much time this week so

Free silently have a bit time to try some toy and want a bit more time to try more

Tale hope it going well


screen color

Free broke Free's own computer recently, not physically but remain in unusabe for a day, end up with hard reset the computer so lost all progream installed and a few data. atleast today cloud natual have a lot of cloud save can recover at near latest state.

Free not lost all game saved and also got clean computer back again.

Tale see Free configure computer in wired green screen, not that for movie capture but screen without driver render black as green. Tale don't know what going on that time but Free recover to usable in few hour.

Tale also lost some CSP config but not much since Tale not change many setting

tree green is great not screen green too bright hurt eye a lot.

Tale want to lie on green grass



another window fream again, Tale like to draw a fream sometimes from it provide different perspective.

just a random draw today note affect by recent event

Free a clear some outside activity that made Free's become tried recently

today Free can relax a bit hold some work and going on some game toy and another thing

hopefully it's good week

the bless in here, just stay here



firstly Tale try to draw hand, but it end up with poorly color again

Free a got hurt after standup in wrong way Tale hope it better soon

also a job that Free need to be still on while device not work fully function that not good idea

Free too lazy too deal with human right now need to stay relax for a bit

also hope it better soon



Tale think a bit time to change schedule, normally Tale stream drawing path on twitch but still a bit concern about song Tale listening and also content so Tale might stop streaming for more flexible drawing also for trying somthing easier.

Free's have a few more book to read, few toy want to play and can't stay longer, and some few game waiting

Hope we have time to play game together again in few day



Tale pick this topic because a bit trending in Tale's following so Tale want to join a bit

basicly bunny a few type that Free's like (but still base on design) also Free don't like any bunny girl suit as it feel boring

Free's most like still fox with same type, it's rare to find some character that Free like by just appearance, but not hard to find "good enough" with some design element of it

have you has any waifu?

can Tale be?



Free stuck in dust and need to cleanup room more frequent then usual but just a few thing that hard to clean

both Free and Tale like fluffy thing and today still unsure how to clean it without broke a thing

also some electonic device that Free use for work has a bit problem can't use full power of it or it will turn off

and too lazy to repair it

hope it can use for a bit little longer



Tale quite bore and pick a idle mobile game call Airship Knights that cute character inside

Free take a look in game just a few moment then note it.

will Free made game like this in near future?

that is Free's way to enjoy the game, no need to be follow up or made someone follow up they will suffer from learn just let them relax.

Free and Tale experience that a lot in the past and hope no one will experience it again

spread your time wisely



terrarium just a few seal space of self sufficient field

this basicly glow for plant Free enjoy to have one since it's no need to take care after made it (but may still need to re plant after few month)

Free like a green plant that always feel hydrate, but small plant can't fight with urban heat anyway

can this say terrarium in someway?

like us game device and some books place in.

We no need to move for a few day

just a cozy terrarium



on this week is very high temperature when Tale walk out from A/C room so feel the heat in the air

upon go outside can feel heat flow from concrete ground

Free and Tale should stay together in A/C room all day and night to survive,

but Free did't survive, and put down under bed after facing heat outside for a few number of books

Tale almost limit there drinking a lot of water and sugar and hope to survive a bit more

be sure to stay hydrate



this day Free life back to normal schedule where how norwal day is going

Free left some game and still playing Arknights made more time to relax on

and still relaxing not yet fill with another toy

a few toy was done and mostly left the Tale's toy like use blender for crafting

Tale still relaxing too almost do nothing

and hopefully still have peaceful time like this for a few more days