
Summer seabreeze

Draft work always look better then fishinged one!

that Tale say all the time, just the mean Tale never done greate work enough for Tale self satisfy after coloring

like today Tale stop streaming and gonna try Free's in bikini that Tale never expect to see Free done create character like a big before

Tale will go coloring this draw more and need to spread time to Free in softer

let made Free guilty about Free's own character



honey biscuit

today dedicate sticker for ceobe

little cute hyper active doggo that Free attach design on

basicly Free mostly like character design from fox wolf or likely thing

as another wolf that from another game Free got from leftover gacha gem

Free still like but for gameplay not attach anymore so Free giveup to play and grind

on the week Free still game addiect but take little time for try a new thing

and little work on other thing

and being have a good day



both Free and Tale are like snow but not see so much snow since local don't have snow

by the way if Free fall in snow like today sticker do Free must stand up instantly bacause of temperature

Free life in high temperature area and say too cold at even other pass out by heat

so today Tale not have too much energy to draw full Free in swimsuit (not real just in game outfit) for today as plan due both leak of sleep from accident yesterday

but after Tale quickly drawover this tone and coloring, this color style look too good maybe Tale can do again sometimes

it look has a feeling with minimal style

Tale gonna go today go to sleep

have a nice dream


Carry on

that no way Tale carry Free like this since Tale has not that much power

Free try a little exercise a bit to not feel too weak (but not aim to be stronger)

Tale hope to be so

and Free remove some bad habit out and reclaim time from sns a bit

but that a bit has a lot of spare time back from

that good idea to keep out sns but still need to connect from more people

what should Tale do for now?

maybe Tale try to logout from sns in some day and reclaim time back for



Tale sure Free really like exploration even Free tell Free don't like it

but Free only not to try hard if reward not fulfill enough, Free not like to go on cave but just wonder around and goto something the look interesting, try some machanic and hopping around corner

Free mostly not use guide if Free think it 'can be win' without guide

but sometime looking back pass guide for idea

Free like to see how creative of many people are

and adapt somthing to life

that like how Free learning, look, copy, learn, repeat

maybe it that why someone tell Free is know everthing but not Free self

have you see somthing spacial today? have you try once?



a new game come and free try to

at first free never think it that good due combat style feel like genshin impact

but from try at first day and see a goodthing, this game has sense of multiplayer

it lead to encounter unknow people without conflict

event game quality not that good but the core is really fun to play

Free addicted and may go far

the note red one sticker is not Tale, just Free's friend that play in same server and Tale thing design is really good pair

and begin explore the new world



Tale late from this week even pass sticker on stockpie to be release

yesterday a new game release and Free being try it out

Both of us stay focus utils late night then pass out together

forgot everything

Hope this not too late Tale wann't be late anyway

and keep tgis diary update for a while year


lying down

Tale wanna lying down

lying down at the bed is great way to relax

Free stop some gaming this week and little time adjustment

not being great but good start point to have one

nor Free finish up one game that play with friends and got a bit time back

than finish something that Free need to do a bit

and lyinh down with Tale



little tails

little ribbon is cute Tale need to try a bit

Free looking for ribbon but not found orange one in that orange maybe it hard to made that

and from recently week Free play a few game but take all time during weekend to play half of that

and try new game

then found little issue need to fix and even known how to fix it, that want Free to writing new tech blog for help

but still play game for a while

Free have a lot of idea for now and need time to solve

Tale should notice Free to stop using SNS for take time back from mobile

and get rest time back


summer time

not that time

Tale know some where else is summer now, but not that now Tale and Free lives in it exteme rainy

but tale still want to draw like being on the beach (beach in rain season not good place to travel)

Free now got a few game with a lot of grinding maybe it hard time to spread on other thing

and need lower active on sns (Tale too) for collect back little time spread on

and wanna made game together



instant dead

Free got wrong working job that feel not good on recently week

as time got work description Free think it should finish by a day, but it take time a week,  Free say it non-senese feature that should not exist in with technology that rely on.

Free play mmo with friend for few day and slowly leveling from not very much time for leveling like old day

this week sticker Tale think is coloring is better that recently one that Tale can choose color after coloring, and replace with any color for instantly no more wrong pinking color due it can change any.

Free and Tale wanna back to play old mmo again.

like an old day



today temperature is little high

on late day Free feel a bit stoke from time,

that not too heat because if that heat Free always turn air conditioner on to stay cool

on normal condition Free prefer fans for lowwer eletricity cost

Free need a bit time manage for evering thing, mostly cut of twitter a bit that help a lot

Free stop working on Tale site (and everthing) for few week, maybe a more gaming relax to refuel in life

after drawing Tale instantly thinging of

stay hydrate



Tale wanna try skin tone at first time for this

and found Tale use too bright color while coloring hair while it nearly done so, Tale need to try more

Free finish two game and found one is great nerative and look seemless while begining start story

and more good when end story

little message like "You are recuited and get your bag onboard we are going to leave after you sign contract" at the start that let Free dive in game story,

every common details like what happen if I death which mostly gamer common sense is describe in contract you sign in the game start

and most thing Free can talk about year is the ending is "contract termination" so, no game that Free play give this chioce before, and again it describe what happen when you gone, and when back again to save in game

is that seamless for Free see that thing


explosive detonator

Tale not sure what origin about this sticker m but fine

On recently day Free got little fear to work a bit while work that release got critical issue but it fine for now

and Headphone wire broken again with this one Free can buy a new only wire for replacement buy need a few day for deliver

maybe this is origin of explosive day?

as today Tale think about drawing Free a lot while scrolling up

maybe Free character design more cute?

Tale should be thinking about Tale's cloth again

and Tale's day will come again


Dance Dance

Tale see a dance dance gif and use for a while

today Tale try to do once.

a bit harder than Tale think

at lookup time Tale can tell it four frame and play backward but Tale forgot about last step of frame need to draw

and even Tale know how deal and with it still harder like Tale must draw mostly line for multiple time

but it fun while see moving

Tale likely to animate but with time limit, Tale won't do too much

Free not verygood from old mmo farming but with time limit again Free can play only few game from need


Little bit

Tale got laptop back a little bit of battery drain while use and heat back

so Tale decide to still drawing on Free's pc to avoid heat during stream and charing

Free cannot deal withit since it not a lot of problem may insurance will not cover and don't need to expose more private data of Tale

while Free little leak of sleep for unknown reason

and recently day Free feel wrong about not updated work and too old, too hard to update for it

it not Tale site it good

on Tale site, Free nearly done for it and keep rest a bit for this week

rest is nice time

have a nice time



Tale not draw line art for too long

Tale little love pencil drawing on paper that always has little live on it eraser cannot completely erase on paper and history for every hand movement still on paper

Free still like to watch but it harder to keep physical thing from lost or destroy

Free back to game that refund for a long at full release with three times price, but still satisfy about details on common game mechanic like resurrect or chat, why it has and why it not

not all details writen in story but with common one is good to know of existance

Free got sleepy time a lot at evening even full sleep session at night

or dust level too high?

not sure but nothing to do for now

hope living quality is good for Free

have a good night


Bunny bunny

bunny is great Free cannot resist that

a huge bunny was come home and Free keep care for a while day

and got a little side effect that may not great effect one is Free act weird a bit

it may be false notice on that but Free move away from keyboard little more frequently

Tale a bit concern about dust while invite doll, since doll can catch a lot of dust in few days

but if Free mental is good for, that still good trade off for sure,

Tale may need to clean room more frequently to support time

that bunny is cute Tale also cannot resist

catch up


see again

Tale out of idea about this week drawing plan

as recent week, both Free and Tale are critical out of focus on normal task

and being slow for all task should done in few minute, but may take a hour to done

it not good for overall productive

may need a day to relax and do nothing

a real nothing, for reset behaviour but this time, Tale think is little hard

Tale wanna try first and let Free join in in the blank area



Free got a few gifts recently that Tale can feel some emotion that flow around maybe Tale wanna gift little more when time come

Tale laptop still under maintain and Tale not sure where orignal file of all sticker will go around?

base on time Tale should has around 30 sticker inside but more then 100 gone count by sticker number maybe Tale has more backup somewhere

hope Tale laptop not lose sticker inside, it precious treasure for Tale and hope not lost

Free still take backup multiple localtion feaquently but this time it little long from last backup and Free plan to backup in someday that not busy, but accident done first.

Free little snack addict in few day again and little think in will pass in few day. due high sugar not good for health in long time. but this time Tale will allow it

as long as it not too much Tale will break for

sugar controll not to be strict but need to limited when gone to farside of capacity

as long as Free happy still fine


Friendly unit

iconic art is hard while make sure that everyone feel right thing

everyone has own experience to made globally release may become choas icon in some corner of the world

Free love to see iconic that may or may not contains meaning of original meaning of creator

Tale laptop broke recently and send for recoving, Tale lost some original file of sticker that did't backup to better storage

Tale almost crying while known and hopfully no file lost while recovering

so Free add hour on working in Tale's site and be more update in soon day

maybe one Free will release that in some day


in the lap

Free like the lab position

when place self in the lab. Free feel safe place and relax

Free need a lot for recovery from fallen state.

as today Free become good state for now and actively doing on site upgrade

and little gaming a day can help with

Free take snake a lot recently. not too much.

if sweet snake can help Free, Tale must try it.

Free need to clear more work to try more thing while stay active state here

hopefully it done it right time


Rain in April

on recently day Free and Tale going to little walk together

for neture healing and Free not have much exercise for long time

but rain coming on that time

Free choose to walk under umbella

togeter with Tale

a bit wet while walking for a long time

Free look happy about this

that smile is good for Tale



back of cloth

Free likely to move arm around sometimes and result cloth liftup and made Free little awkward a bit when non-mate see it

but on some cloth type Free wear and only Tale see that one

Free and Tale love to listening to music but varies type of music that cannot predict the song like

Free like some idea from music and more love when interpret that meaning

that not only including music but all media Free still like it

once a time Free see one airline advertisement with song from past year ago with same song and change meaning "my heart will fly across the skies" that from love song and next time same word also mean physicaly send my heart across the skies

for organs donation shipping by airplane

that good example form one type of media that Free still in

Tale still knowns a little of this type but Tale can predict that Free not boring with that.

listen and repeat to know more



when look out from window

it a lot happing outside Tale may look out sometimes when need some idea

Free may when need a break from thinking

Free still unstable emotion this and need more time to recover

Tale will play a lot of game with Free and got some april update that Free and joy with

Free need some break from Tale site a bit

maybe Tale will look at game design for Free's dream and made a little progress on it

a lot of idea come and always take note on it

hope both of us can joy with

and hope you can joy too



Free is cola addiction

so cola is good for mental but may affect health directly. Free seft limiting cola for only few liter a week it keep little for a few year

maybe final result is not that perfect due cola may from other sources such as drinking in restaurant but it should fine that batter have some soft limit here

for that Free can still balance mental and health in mostly situation affect in life

and keep relax gaming day

that is one of Free faverite drink

and one Tale steal a bit too